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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. That's what happens when you have a coach that cheats. (Grin)
  2. This is the quote I was responding to: "PNG goes four rds at least this year". In which I said: "Not with that defense!"
  3. Why are the Dims staying silent on the caravan? Because a majority of Americans feel it's an invasion! [Hidden Content]
  4. I heard a lady talk the other day and she said right when this happened, she viewed his Facebook page, I believe it was Facebook, and and it stated that he was anti-Trump and had basically liberal stances. Then she said she went back 10 minutes later and it had magically disappeared! Hummmm!
  5. When it comes to the Dims, there are no coincidences!
  6. As we figured! [Hidden Content]
  7. A little to convenient to me!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Just saw another envelope that was mailed to John Brennen. It also did not have the stamps marked out. Again -- how can this be?
  9. The devil farrakhan and this devil bowers, using the same rhetoric. One of these devil's was a BFF of obama! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. Notice how perfect the stickers are are laid out!. Usually when one gets stickers it's done over a period of time and usually not perfectly laid out. Plus, not one appears to be faded in the hot Florida sun. Interesting. Now, check the package. When mail is sent, the postal service will put a mark on the stamps so these stamps can't be used again. Do you see any markings? This package was picked up in Delaware after being "sent" from Florida. Again -- interesting!
  11. This moron has sucked up to an anti-police organization and the police not happy!
  12. The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. —THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1788
  13. Just like Kavanaugh's accusers were leftest (remember, he only supposedly assaulted liberals back then), those being sent these "packages" are only liberals. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if one morning each of these liberals woke up, opened their door and put the packages there themselves. Are they above that? After seeing the fiasco and scam they pulled against Kavanaugh, I would say no, they are not above this, they are VERY capable! But, if it's not them, it can't be a conservative doing this because conservatives are too busy working!!
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