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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. New turf -- State Championship!
  2. By the silence on my question, I can only presume that we really can't say it's only X amount per X amount of home value. Without knowing the interest rate, how can anyone logically say they know what the cost to the tax payer will be? I'm still open to an answer, if anyone has one!
  3. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  4. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  5. But -- will it be more because of the bond? If so, then it won't stay low as they say.
  6. This response was to my question of what would be the total cost of the bond, principle and interest. mat stated that there is no way to know until the bonds are sold. OK, I'll buy that. So, let's look at the other end: How can we come up with a statement that it's "only" going to cost X amount of dollars per X amount of home value if we have no way of knowing what the interest rate will be? Help me out here!
  7. I'm curious: The pro-bonders keep saying that it will only cost X amount per X amount of home value. What happens to that X amount when/if home values rise every year through the appraisal district? When ones home value rises will the amount one has to pay concerning this bond go up also?
  8. Is this the one that could not even beat Nancy Pelosi for the Speaker of the House? LOL!!
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. Again -- I'm glad somebody gets it!
  11. At least somebody gets it. The mere fact that the pro-bonders don't want to talk about the actual overall cost is telling in itself! It worries them. The want to get off those massive numbers as quick as they can!
  12. Interesting!
  13. No. That's why I'm asking. I figured someone would know.
  14. Very simple question I asked last Friday. Again -- what's the total cost (Principal and Interest) of the bond? There's only two ways of looking at this: Either people do not know, or, they don't want that figure floating around there too much!
  15. So, facts scare people? If releasing exactly how much this massive bond will cost the taxpayer when it's all said and done will scare people -- then that in it's self is enough to vote no!
  16. Although true, there will be a greater effect on the family budget than that. I'll explain closer to May 4th. So -- do you have an answer for the question I actually asked?
  17. OK, again, this commie judge is an obama appointed judge. Right before obama left office, he signed this executive order banning drilling here. Trump gets into office and signs an executive stating we will drill there. The judge blocks it and says Trump needs congressional approval to do this. But -- obama didn't! Again, more evidence why these judges were put in place by obama. [Hidden Content]
  18. Clapper is singing! [Hidden Content]
  19. Some think that if this case had moved forward a VIP would have been implicated! [Hidden Content]
  20. OK, if the bond passes, the principal amount is $156,000,000. But, there is interest on this. So, after the bond is paid off, including principle and interest -- what will be the actual total cost of the bond to the taxpayer?
  21. I'll say it again -- there should not be a Dept Of Education! #EliminateItNow
  22. One interesting thing that did not happen: After the charges were dropped -- no white people rioted with their faces covered. No one destroyed anything. No one was harmed. No business' destroyed. Just thought I'd bring this up. Did anyone else notice how quite it was over there?!
  23. It's a no-win situation for the new coach either way. I'm not talking about the team not being able to win. Go back and re-read what I stated.
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