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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. We should all contact Senator Ted Cruz about this and get the ball rolling to eliminate it. I will!
  2. Another thing that proves this lady is pulling another Democratic scam, is that when ask to come testify she said no, not until the FBI investigates this. B. Kavanaugh immediately accepted the invitation. This is not what the FBI does. This is a matter for local law enforcement officials. If this happened yesterday -- the FBI would NOT be called!
  3. Yes, this lady is REAL credible! She can't remember where, when or how it happened. But I'm sure you believes this. Right, Dude!?
  4. Now that there obviously has not been any Russian collusion, Jeff Sessions needs to un-recuse himself and do his job!
  5. Go Beto, Go Beto. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  6. From the article: "Ford says she never recounted the incident until a couples therapy session with her husband, Russell Ford, in 2012 — 30 years after the fact." [Hidden Content]
  7. Or who ever BigGirl actually is! [Hidden Content]
  8. WOW! IMHO, I could see the QB not coming back this year. For obvious reasons.
  9. The reason for this subject is that anti-American rhetoric in public colleges comes from tenured professors. They usually wait until they get tenure then start preaching the virtues the Socialism and anything they can that's anti-American. We need to push our elected officials to do away with tenure in public colleges. I don't pay taxes to have my country always thrown under the bus!
  10. Because Sears can't print money! [Hidden Content]
  11. As long as we are still running massive debts, then no raises. As a matter of fact, the work force should be cut in half. This is why federal workers do not like government shutdowns. They say "non-essential" stay home. And you know what -- the running of the government does not miss a beat! It shows they are not needed!
  12. Liberals aren't opposed to other opinions: It's just that it shocks the hell out of them that there ARE other opinions!!
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