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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. You notice BigGirl, and most liberals in general, are like drive byes? She -- if it is her -- takes a shot and runs when the subject, she started, starts to get deep and serious. That's why drives byes hit and run: They can't take the heat by staying at the scene!
  2. As they do, Trump will cruise in 2020! [Hidden Content]
  3. He's also a Clinton rat fink! My first thought was why would Cohen hire a Clinton rat? Maybe part of the plan to get Trump?! Again -- what does Cohen have to do with Russian collusion?
  4. A lawyer and former Chief-of-Staff to an Attorney General of the U.S. says there is no crime. Listen and learn!
  5. Senseless murder committed by an undocumented Democrat!
  6. BigGirl -- what crimes did Trump commit?
  7. Now we know why obama appointed the Judges that he did. The left files a suit, then they make sure it goes through one of obama's Judges. Pure obamanism! Evil to the core! [Hidden Content]
  8. That's what scrimmages are for. Thompson will take care of business.
  9. What National Interest Is Served By Giving MSNBC Contributors Top Secret Security Clearances? [Hidden Content]
  10. They did this to prove that evil DOES NOT exist in the world. These morons payed the ultimate price for their stupidity. Hey BigGirl, you paying attention?
  11. ONLY is Europe let's them come! [Hidden Content]
  12. Man masquerading as a woman wins DEMOCRAT primary for Vermont governor! [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  14. Just like the Commies have been doing with global warming. Went from global cooling to global warming to climate change. It's amazing, though, how the sycophant media plays right along with the name changes.
  15. I'll be eating at this place as often as I can! [Hidden Content]
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