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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. As opposed to record unemployed under obama. [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. NY Times is also anti-Semitic. Just heard that when it was happening, the NY Times was denying that the Holocaust was happening.
  4. Let's bring more in! LOL! One of these says we'll learn! [Hidden Content]
  5. Socialism doesn't work here! [Hidden Content]
  6. DNC Chair Tom Perez Spotted Carrying $1,840 Designer Bag At Airport After Calling Socialism ‘Future’ Of Party. It works for him! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  7. So, it's OK with you to have tariffs against our country, your country, but it's not OK for the US to have tariffs against countries that have tariffs against us?
  8. I don't see anything over 3% in this chart! Hummmm... [Hidden Content]
  9. This is in case our liberal friends don't believe Fox! [Hidden Content]
  10. Reagan


    Steve, this outrage is just the flavor of the day. They are being told which spontaneous outrage they should be involved in now. What happened to the spontaneous outrage over immigration? What happened to spontaneous outrage over the Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh?
  11. Bad part about this is he has ZERO jurisdiction! From the article: " If there’s one thing Special Counsel Robert Mueller is exceedingly good at it is indicting Russians over whom he has zero jurisdiction. Mueller had previously indicted 13 Russian individuals and companies, and Friday he added 12 more to the list. It’s a neat little trick – bring charges against people you’ll never get in court, therefore you’ll never have to prove them. This allows Mueller and his team to say they’re “doing something,” that the American people are getting something for the millions his investigation has cost us, while not having to actually prove anything." [Hidden Content]
  12. Go fo rit. Just as long as there is not any Federal money involved. This program will eventually run dry. Again -- go for it!
  13. Calling BigGirl, Calling BigGirl -- where are you?!
  14. Before jimma carter created the Federal Education Dept, The U.S. was 2nd in educational outcome in the world. Since that creation to now we are 17th in educational outcome. A 38 year educational decline since the feds got involved. Need anymore reason to get rid of it??!!
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