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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This just shows how evil the Dimms have gotten! [Hidden Content]
  2. Is Amy Barrett the pick? Hummm! +[Hidden Content]
  3. We shall see! [Hidden Content]
  4. Lee Atwater once said, when the other side is in the process of destroying themselves, you just keep quite and get out of their way and let them do it!
  5. I heard the other day that President Trump is thinking about telling anyone that comes into America illegally will NEVER gain citizenship. Talk about stopping illegal crossings in a heart beat. We won't even need a wall! I say -- do it!
  6. This ding-dong bell is a teacher. From Rush Limbaugh's website: "She’s not just a teacher. She’s got tats all over her arms, and she’s a teacher at Sidwell Friends. Does that ring a bell with you? Sidwell Friends is where everybody who is anybody in Washington sends their kids. It’s a private school. The Obama daughters went there. The list is exhaustively long. And they’re just identifying her as a left wing teacher." She knew he was there. Plus, again, she was reading what she was told to read.and say!
  7. I wonder who paid her? Do you notice this dingle-berry is reading her concerns? Spontaneous?! Give me a break!! [Hidden Content]
  8. The Socialist/Communist confused again! [Hidden Content]
  9. WOS wins because of the defense!
  10. In 2009, Gillibrand held the opposite view. So -- what has changed??!!
  11. Both Commies! But apparently becoming mainstream in the Democratic party! Good for us!!
  12. More of the evil left's derangement! [Hidden Content]
  13. Keep an eye on Amy Barrett. She clerked for Scalia. Plus -- I'll continue to expose the Democrat's war on women when they attack her, which they are going to do!, if she is chosen.
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