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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Never said that. You made a statement about some words, like Sunday, not being in the Bible. And I said the "word" Bible wasn't in the Bible. Making your point mute.
  2. Find the word "Bible" in the Bible! It's not there.
  3. And the hits just keep on rolling in! [Hidden Content]
  4. BigGirl -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  5. Why?! Because they are not taught the truth in school. Thank you Dept Of Education! Thank you Jimma carter! [Hidden Content]
  6. Back on a hotter seat? Again -- there was NO Russia collusion. Blue, if there was, after, what, 18 months, we would have known about it. Mueller has NOTHING! You harass someone long enough, they'll say anything.
  7. With all these D1 players, Memorial should be a shoe-in for the State Championship!
  8. What -- nothing from BigGirl on this subject??!!
  9. This is what the Mayor of Chicago thinks about this subject!!
  10. This ought to give our liberal friends here a cardiac arrest! [Hidden Content]
  11. Wasn't Calypso Louie and obama best good buds??
  12. AGAIN -- Proving that Liberalism IS a mental illness!
  13. One can't go undefeated every year. There's more than just a couple of great coaches in the State. Overall Duboise did good.
  14. If he's a good coach he'll win. If not, he won't.
  15. Commies can't compete in the arena of ideas so this is why they do this. Does anyone honestly think that liberal support for ILLEGAL immigration is because THEY CARE??
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