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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. OK, this is my take. And as always, if at any point I am factually wrong let me know. What some may or may not know, is that before EVERY game, coaches bring in all officials and draw the trick plays on the board for them: Which INCLUDES personnel. This happens so there are no surprises for the officials. Now, #70 had been reporting as eligible twice, I think it was, in the game. But NOT this time. This was part of the trick. The REf turned to the Cowboy's defense BEFORE #70 got to the Ref. Anyway, #70 lined up at right tackle and eventually was covered up by a tight end. Before this, the Lions QB, as seen on video, motions #68 to go report to the Ref. #68 gets within a couple of feet of the Ref and reports. On video, you can see the Ref looking squarely at #68. Then after #68 reports, the Ref turns and goes reports to the Cowboy's defense that an eligible player has entered. Now, what did the Ref actually tell the Cowboys? Don't know. But #70 never got anywhere near the Ref because his part for entering was for optics. But -- let's revert back to my first point: Before the game the refs were told exactly what was going tot take place. No official should have been surprised. I did hear that the Ref was being punished and that his crew is banned from any playoff games. Don't know if this is actual because of this next statement. It's being reported Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk that the NFL is covering for Allen (The Ref) and pointing the finger at the Lions. From Pro Football Talk: "The league views the situation as an effort by the Lions to engage in deception and gamesmanship that backfired." Looks like the NFL is covering their backsides. Because -- how can it be deception when the Lions told, and drew up on a board, exactly what they were going to do. BTW, unless I missed it somewhere else, I noticed in the NFL statement that the NFL didn't happened to mention the pregame coach/officials meeting! So, what happened? 2 possibilities: Because it was Jimmy Johnson day, the outcome was rigged. Or -- the Ref just screwed up. I personally think he screwed up. Remember, these are part time officials. And, they are human!
  2. Like one of the "X" poster said, they were not going to let the Cowboys lose on Jimmy Johnson Day. So, one has to wonder!
  3. Bill Clinton Named in Epstein Documents Over 50 Times! [Hidden Content]
  4. Bankman-Fried donated $5.2 million to President Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign. Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried has been prosecuted for fraud by the federal government, but the charged he faced for political campaign finance violations have been dropped by federal prosecutors. Bankman-Fried donated millions to political campaigns, both Democrat and Republican. Five charges against Bankman-Fried were already dropped in August. These charges included bank fraud and bribing a foreign government. [Hidden Content]
  5. I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said!
  6. Violations occur all the time. Even by moderators. I'm not admitting anything was violated. Just someones opinion. I may have to start making copies of violations, including moderators. This "selective" concern has been a problem here. I already have a copy of 2 moderators and a non-moderator violating the "stay on topic" rule but only the non-moderator got "warned." At this time I have chose not to do anything with this difference in treatment. Was this subject locked because of violations, which again, happens all the time, or because the moderator was being called out for being guilty of rule violations himself? Again, not picking on one: all moderators have been guilty of rule violations. @AggiesAreWe
  7. Nice response! LOL! BTW -- I'm sure this violates some forum rules. HA!
  8. Or -- if any of your players likes the color purple, then...
  9. Let's back up a hair. The statement that was made was that there are those that have expressed interest. This states no transfers made yet. And again, when I said about naming names I was talking about where the info came from. Again, no specifics. Of course no coach would know what someone is thinking.
  10. EVERYONE here violates forum rules. EVEN the moderators. Especially the "don't get off topic" rules.
  11. I’m sure coaches appreciate your concern! LOL! BTW, the way they take care of stopping any transfers is to do a better job coaching.
  12. State Titles: PNG 2 State appearances and 1 State Title. PAM 0 and 0. This is why.
  13. It's ramped up now because of the success of PNG and State Championship PNG just won.
  14. You want me to name names where I got the info? smh BTW, I thought you retired?
  15. The Dems use something the Republicans don't. They use what they call "super delegates." It's my understanding by having those available, even at the convention (in August, I think) they can make a change even that late.
  16. I'm hearing there are athletes from Beaumont that has expressed interest in moving over to PNG. Also heard the same thing about athletes from PAM wanting to move over to PNG. Anyone heard the same thing?
  17. JoeBama is using our taxpayer dollars in all of this! But, this sounds more like YoBama than JoeBama! [Hidden Content] Trump 2024
  18. Why?! The devil's work is everywhere! That's why we must never stop fighting!! [Hidden Content]
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