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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. It's good for "normal Americans" that they just don't get it!
  2. Well, DUH!! [Hidden Content]
  3. Global warming update: [Hidden Content]
  4. From the article: "... Nation of Islam photographer revealed a 13-year-old photo of then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) meeting in 2005. The CBC asked him to suppress the photo’s publication in order to protect Obama’s presidential aspirations, the photographer said. Twenty-one current House Democrats were in the CBC when Farrakhan had his meeting with the caucus." [Hidden Content]
  5. Calypso Louie and obama are best buds! Plus, there are many more Dims in Congress that are too!! [Hidden Content]
  6. Going along with Beaumont's recent coach picking philosophy -- the next head coach at PAM will be Ronnie Thompson! : > /
  7. Think about this: An inanimate object, guns, that can't do anything on it's on has become such an item that totally freaks out liberals!
  8. For anyone here that does: Would you be willing to put a sign in your front yard stating "This House Is A Gun Free Zone?"
  9. As is if we needed any more evidence! But think about this: Liberals always say George W. Bush is an idiot. BUT -- then in the same breath liberals say he was the architect of 9-11. Amazing how they can't put 2 and 2 together!
  10. And St Pius' venue hasn't hurt their performance. Just saying!
  11. So, you feel that the facilities is the only reason why these people are leaving?
  12. We'll see how good the cast of players are that are charged with selecting the next coach. Picking a coach is not difficult. Only those charged with doing the selecting, sometimes, makes it more difficult than it should be.
  13. Officers were ordered to "stage" not rush shooting scene. [Hidden Content]
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