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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This is probably going the way of the Trump-Russia collusion and the way the Jussie Smollett con game went. CNN, fake news and all, shows a partial piece of the so-called article. No name, no date, not anything. Then I find this about the "article": " "Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again," said the unsigned editorial,..." Another attempt to fool the masses?
  2. 156,000,000 MILLION DOLLARS for this bond. Just keeping this massive figure in the forefront while it's being discussed!
  3. Not at all. Just stating a fact just because one is Jewish doesn't mean they are religious. I used Carl Reiner as an example: Carl Reiner admits he's a Jew and an atheist. I see you conveniently avoided my Comrade Sanders' honeymoon commit!
  4. You do know that ol' Bernie honeymooned in the Soviet Union? As for as God hating, not all Jews are religious. Carl Reiner and his meat-headed son are Jews and they are atheist!
  5. How dare you offer links with your post!!
  6. When did the media turn so evil?! [Hidden Content]
  7. Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump California has been forced to cancel the massive bullet train project after having spent and wasted many billions of dollars. They owe the Federal Government three and a half billion dollars. We want that money back now. Whole project is a “green” disaster!
  8. Another Soviet-loving, God-hating communist has entered the Democratic race: Go Bernie, Go Bernie! This really is going to fun to watch! You think the DNC is going to screw him again this time around? [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. Curious: Has this hindered any student from getting a quality education? I believe the SAT scores are usually pretty good.
  11. So, let's keep this amount in front of everyone: 155,600,000 Million Dollars! So, let me understand something -- the last bond was used to make upgrades to certain schools. Now, this bond is wanted to tear down these schools that bond money was used for the last time around. Hummm! Isn't the previous bond still being paid for?
  12. The wolf who cried MAGA! [Hidden Content]
  13. Why would they want to go anywhere else -- to lose?! I think not!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Socialist policies caused this, pure and simple!
  16. What's the total amount of the bond?
  17. The difference between us and the socialist mind-set is: We say, put the stuff like electric cars and electric lawnmowers on the market and see if anyone wants them. If there is a market, then great. This is Capitalism. But, on the other hand, the liberal/socialist view is, we know better. We'll "force" the making of all this green stuff and then we'll "force" the stoppage of everything else that we deem not green. Which philosophy has more freedom in it?!
  18. I'll repeat again -- In Christianity, Jesus talks about HIS blood. In the muslim arena. they talk about YOUR blood! Nuff said!
  19. Can't stop laughing at this one!
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. Facts tend to bore you?
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