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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Starting at 1:47 the truth of "real collusion" begins to be told.
  2. Has anyone noticed how quite obama's been lately??!! [Hidden Content]
  3. From BearEssentials97: "If you think Hillary and Obama are communist then clearly you have no idea what a communist is. You might need to go back to school. Trump is his own worst enemy. I enjoy watching him dig his own grave. Had he an ounce of self control there would be no Mueller investigation. He's doing his best to be a one term president and in hope he continues down this self destructive path." My response: "From the article: "In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama’s life as a “secret smoker” and how he “went to great lengths to conceal the habit.” But what about Obama’s secret political life? It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist. n his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into contact with Marxist literature." Sounds like someone need to take off their biased blinders! [Hidden Content]" BearEssential97 got quite all of a sudden on this one!
  4. The Democrats love these types of dweebs! [Hidden Content]
  5. Like I've said before -- possibly going back to an ice age. Global Alarmist, what say you? [Hidden Content]
  6. If they have a good coach then they'll do like WOS -- reload!
  7. It's a shame PN-G is not playing WOS and the new Beaumont school!
  8. Does one actually think Pelosi would do this for anything that's pro-America? Like, for instance, talking 8 hours on how great the Constitution is?? [Hidden Content]
  9. Not saying this is what totally caused it but Janet Yellon's statement concerning future inflation did have an effect on the market. Some are thinking that this was intentional because Trump didn't re-appoint her.
  10. This guilty individual was deported twice and could not speak English. This is the types that obama felt worth fighting for!
  11. Smoking gun! Text states that obama wants to know everything! [Hidden Content]
  12. From the article: "In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama’s life as a “secret smoker” and how he “went to great lengths to conceal the habit.” But what about Obama’s secret political life? It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist. n his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into contact with Marxist literature." Sounds like someone need to take off their biased blinders! [Hidden Content]
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