The mere fact it's been 2 years and Mueller has NOTHING! If he did, we would have heard about it. Second: The mere fact Mueller has to stage these side shows (Ex; Roger Stone's early morning harassment) also indicates he has NOTHING! So -- after a lot of wasted tax dollars -- he still has NOTHING! It's only a matter of time!
Let's look at what the government runs 100%: The Postal Service. Runs huge deficits every year. In the Billions if I'm not mistaken. Private companies do a much better job. Now, socialized medicine: We already have an example of what a 100% ran government entity in that field looks like. It's called the VA. Ran terribly! And this is what you want everyone to be subjected to? It's always easy to do the wrong thing. It's easy to say universal healthcare for all. It's hard to do the right thing. One has to work at it. The government is not set up to fulfill this. Again -- read the 10th Amendment. The founding father's were brilliant. If we would have followed their outline we would not be in this 100 Trillion dollar debt of unfunded liabilities. And you and your side want to make it worst by taking over the health care system? Like I said -- it's easy to say it!
General welfare could be interpreted many ways. But i don't think it means to rape me so someone else does not have to carry their load. But since we are on the Constitution -- you might want to read the 10th Amendment. It states exactly what the roll of the Federal government is. And it says what is not stated here -- is left to the States.
Here's another one for you. Concerning socialized medicine: Do you think that the socialist that will be in control of this socialized medicine will be put under the umbrella of socialized medicine like the rest of us? Or do you think it'll be just for us and not them? Remember -- Castro was rich when the people were starving!
With the exception of the military -- what has the government done right? Have you seen the debt lately? Unfunded liabilities are over 100 TRILLION dollars.