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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Would be interesting to find out who's paying these lawyers! [Hidden Content]
  2. Where's the outrage? Not only no outrage -- the Dims let him on the committee! AND -- let him feign outrage! Geezzzz!! [Hidden Content]
  3. It's amazing how the Dems didn't talk about the last 2 accusers. Especially the last one. It's really bad when snakes can get embarrassed. That last one was a loonie tune! But that embarrassment doesn't last long. Snakes will be snakes! Kavanaugh will be confirmed. But, one plus is that this process showed just how evil the commie Democrats have become!!
  4. I have decided that who ever the Democratic nominee is in 2020 will have sexually assaulted me 40 years ago. I SHOULD be taken seriously by at least one side of the political spectrum! Especially when I don't need any evidence!! So -- I'm good to go? Right?!
  5. Just saw that the ABA is made up of a bunch of left-wing Commies! So...
  6. Historically, sexual assault victims, God bless them, can remember EVERYTHING! These three can't remember ANYTHING!
  7. MS. Ford was reported as doesn't like flying. Lie number 1: She flies to many places including outside the US. They said the Committee wasn't giving her enough time to get from California: Lie number 2: She was actually in Delaware. She is a puppet for the Dems who are doing all the lying!!
  8. Just heard on the news that two men have came forward and said it was actually them that at these parties, not Kavanaugh!
  9. Here ya go! [Hidden Content]
  10. She graduate in 1980! These were high school parties in 1982/3? Sounds like it. Said she attended 10 train/gang rape parties. Not ONCE did the go to the authorities with this. Never said one thing about it in 37 years! What a crock!
  11. Obviously the Democrats don't really care about sexual assaults. This is the number 2 man in the Democratic party. So -- since they don't care -- it's now clear that what they are doing against KavanAugh is a CON game!! [Hidden Content]
  12. Which ever way it goes, after it's done, we'll not hear anymore about their outrage. Just like we don't hear anymore about Judge Roy Moore's accuser's outrage. Amazing, isn't it?!
  13. If that happens is Barrett is appointed, the Dims will tell us now that Ford and Ramirez are actually lesbians. And yes -- Barret assaulted them 40 years ago. But, they'll have the same dumb answers: Don't know when, where or how it happened. But it happened!! Geezzz!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. I think Rosenstein is a snake. No matter how much he smiles, he's going to end up biting you: Because that's what snakes do!
  18. What's the deal with all the Asian stuff?
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Ben lays it out. [Hidden Content]
  21. WOW! Since the 1st one didn't go so well, the radical Dims found a second one. I guess the call went out to see if anyone else would be sorry enough to lie! [Hidden Content]
  22. Rut Ro!! [Hidden Content]
  23. Why do multi, multi millionaires need insurance?
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