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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. It's not rocket science. [Hidden Content]
  2. But yet the Dimms want to keep bringing them in here unvetted. Hummmm! [Hidden Content]
  3. #DACA amnesty would create a Democratic (Communist) 'One Party State' from 2020 onward! Dimms do not care about these people! Only fools think they do! [Hidden Content]
  4. Even one of the heads of the "civil rights industry" praised Trump!
  5. What's this? [Hidden Content]
  6. The WSJ got something else wrong again! They stated that Trump said "I have a good relation with N. Korea." In fact Trump said "I'd" have a good relation with N. Korea. There is an actual recording of this conversation. This wording changes the whole context. The WSJ is either falling in lockstep with CNN as biased or their journalistic integrity is taking a hit due to reporting things that aren't verified.
  7. Just saw on Fox news that all parties involved deny this ever happened. And -- again -- this story had come from an "anonymous" source! Figures!
  8. Hillarious Clintonista got on the bandwagon concerning what Trump "supposedly" said concerning Haiti and other places. James Woods blasted Bill Clinton, which INCLUDED Hillarious, for looting Haiti. Again, no shortages of hypocrites on the commie-pinko side of the aisle! [Hidden Content]
  9. From the article: " Durbin allegedly has a history of lying about private White House meetings." [Hidden Content]
  10. This ought to make some here have a cardiac arrest! [Hidden Content]
  11. True! It's funny to watch the commie-libs go crazy. He's doing it on purpose and they keep falling for it!
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