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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. People are rethinking this global warming situation. Sometimes reality sneaks up behind you and slaps you on the back of the head. Or in the face! [Hidden Content]
  2. Usually the first thing one says is what one actually believes! Now she's backtracking. SMH! This is a very evil person! [Hidden Content]
  3. 2 + 2 = 5! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  4. One interesting outcome will be that Stone's lawyers will be able to question the committee members that Stone supposedly lied to. This includes, but not limited to, Adam Schiff, the commie Democratic Congressman. This will be very interesting with that one!
  5. LOL! You know she must be bad when a Socialist upsets other Socialist!! [Hidden Content]
  6. WOW!! The Democratic party is quickly becoming the party of Karl Marx!
  7. Roger Stone pleads Not Guilty! [Hidden Content]
  8. I just heard that the Sun spot activity is low and that's the reason for the extra cold weather. Well, kind of what I've been saying -- it's ALL about the Sun! It's amazing how some people think they are smart enough to be able to control the weather. Also, though, notice what side of the isle they are on: The Liberal/Socialist side! These are the same ones that wants to control just about everything you do. Because, you know, they are smarter than the average Bear!
  9. My question exactly! Why did the FBI director allow Mueller to use 29 FBI gents against Roger Stone. I hope Ted Cruz can find out! This early morning raid was appalling. Mueller is supposed to be investigating things that happened BEFORE he was appointed. These alleged "process crimes" happened AFTER Mueller was appointed. This just give pause and really a sick feeling to anyone, including liberals! Because this could happen to you! [Hidden Content]
  10. From the article: " New York State Democrats passing the most extreme abortion law in U.S. history, which, among other things, allows for abortion up to the child's due date and loosens restrictions on who is allowed to perform an abortion. What is really driving Democrats even to the point of cheering such an extreme abortion law? ...what is inspiring Democrats and their leftist supporters to such extremes, Limbaugh said he gets it. "I understand exactly what’s happened: They have become poisoned by a loathing hatred for us," he said. ... writer Ben Stein, who observed: "We have a society in which there are an awful lot of people who have no idea that Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung all came to power promising the same kinds of things that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is promising. And it led to mass murder, it led to dictatorship, it led to genocide." ... Leftist Democrats, as represented now by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the growing number of democratic socialists and identity radicals in the Democratic base, know nothing about the true enemies of all that we value and their core ideologies: socialism and atheism. For these increasingly far-left folks, instead of Stalin and Pol Pot, the true enemy is now high school junior Nicholas Sandmann, who became for a week the poster boy for the average conservative." [Hidden Content] Related: Why Are Liberals Cheering murder?! [Hidden Content]
  11. Hummm! Declaring that the border is an active drug trafficking corridor pursuant to Title 10 of U.S. code -- the President would have billions at his disposal to build the wall. Very interesting!! [Hidden Content]
  12. This is going to be fun to watch. Everyone trying to out-Socialize each other. And everyone trying to see who can hate America the most! [Hidden Content]
  13. Well -- she cheated ol' Bernie out of the nomination last time. And THAT'S a fact. So, one never knows when it comes to cheating!
  14. Dang, again, can you imagine how cold it would be there if we didn't have "global warming!" Burrrrrr! [Hidden Content]
  15. BAAM!! UT -- you stepped into that one face first!!
  16. Democrats (Socialist/Communist) are now pushing same Socialist policies that destroyed formerly prosperous Venezuela. People there now have to eat their dogs to survive or starve. WOW, something to be proud of to want copy it! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. It has nothing to do with compassion. I don't pay taxes to fund anything for people who come here that are ILLEGAL! What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?!
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Really?! The mere fact that Mueller is doing these side shows proves he has nothing. When he has to try and force a confession to get Trump, well, we know he's losing the war.
  21. Think again! [Hidden Content]
  22. Good news? We've gone this long with 1/4 of the Government shutdown and, really -- has anyone noticed? Anything considered "non-essential" should be immedieatly eliminated. That's proving right there that my tax dollars are being wasted. I know, like I already didn't know that. But now it's all laid out for everyone to see. That's why the Dims wanted this to end so quickly. Proving that AT LEAST a 1/4 of the government wasn't needed!
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