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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Hummm! Declaring that the border is an active drug trafficking corridor pursuant to Title 10 of U.S. code -- the President would have billions at his disposal to build the wall. Very interesting!! [Hidden Content]
  2. This is going to be fun to watch. Everyone trying to out-Socialize each other. And everyone trying to see who can hate America the most! [Hidden Content]
  3. Well -- she cheated ol' Bernie out of the nomination last time. And THAT'S a fact. So, one never knows when it comes to cheating!
  4. Dang, again, can you imagine how cold it would be there if we didn't have "global warming!" Burrrrrr! [Hidden Content]
  5. BAAM!! UT -- you stepped into that one face first!!
  6. Democrats (Socialist/Communist) are now pushing same Socialist policies that destroyed formerly prosperous Venezuela. People there now have to eat their dogs to survive or starve. WOW, something to be proud of to want copy it! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. It has nothing to do with compassion. I don't pay taxes to fund anything for people who come here that are ILLEGAL! What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?!
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. Really?! The mere fact that Mueller is doing these side shows proves he has nothing. When he has to try and force a confession to get Trump, well, we know he's losing the war.
  11. Think again! [Hidden Content]
  12. Good news? We've gone this long with 1/4 of the Government shutdown and, really -- has anyone noticed? Anything considered "non-essential" should be immedieatly eliminated. That's proving right there that my tax dollars are being wasted. I know, like I already didn't know that. But now it's all laid out for everyone to see. That's why the Dims wanted this to end so quickly. Proving that AT LEAST a 1/4 of the government wasn't needed!
  13. From the article: Democrat Communist Revolutionary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is doing the talking ".@AOC says it's "immoral" that the American economic system "allows billionaires to exist." pic.twitter.com/Y8uGj5BJXd" Again, my question would be: Who decides what immoral is or at what money amount does it get into immorality? In the article, the lil Commy did say that Buffet and Gates weren't immoral. So... [Hidden Content]
  14. I'll touch it. Again pure speculation. But I'm game. What in there past coaching ability success, which is actual, gives you the impression that they wouldn't succeed wherever they went?
  15. One has to ask oneself: Is it because PN-G CAN"T pay or is it because the Carthage coach has earned it?
  16. Actually said the Nederland HC has done a respectable job. Just won't get you a State Championship. But, I did question how thorough the search for a HC was by Nederland. PS -- Port Neches has a nice stadium and should be able to pay their HC well. So -- what's their excuse?!
  17. The sad part about this is she actually believes this! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  18. The freak show continues. I love it! [Hidden Content]
  19. True. But, what if the people in charge picks another championship quality coach at WOS? It's also all about who does the picking of these coaches.
  20. If you don't think what they did to Kavanugh was totally evil, then there is a problem. To falsely accuse this man of sexual misconduct 30 years ago is, again -- pure evil. And the Dims own it 100%.
  21. All we needed to know is that obama wanted him. His previous 2 were a total joke and embarrassment! Oh, and PS -- the Repubs were going by the Biden rule. I guess it was OK then, huh?!
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