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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. "Why do they want to continue to bring people to this country that are not going to benefit this country?" This is why: Because Jennifer Palmieri of the Center for American Progress let the cat out of the bag earlier this week by admitting something that we all knew, and that is that the Democrats’ version of immigration is all about securing additional votes. The Center For American Progress Action Fund distributed a memo saying illegal immigrants brought into the United States at a young age are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”
  2. Like we figured -- He never said it! Dimms are again trying to find something, even if it's not true, to knock him down. They can't hang in the arena of ideas so they figured/hope there are a lot of stupid people who would believe their lies. Obviously there are some. Look how the lap-dog media took off with it. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  3. To all those that say this cold weather is due to global warming: [Hidden Content]
  4. In a private meeting, Commie Dick Durbin said he said it. Two Republicans, including Tom Cotton, said he never said it. I'll side with Tom Cotton!
  5. These same people that are crying about this would never live there or vacation there. Again -- when they scream racism, you know we got them. Why -- because they have nothing else. Plus, is there any evidence that Trump even said that?
  6. A coach will never take the credit. Coaches have many sayings like that.
  7. This time it's to expose Twitter for its biased nature. [Hidden Content]
  8. This money is not coming out of Walmart's profits. This money that's being past on to the employees is money that would have normally gone to the government. These employees are also going to get a tax cut which will mean even more money for them. And let's not let anyone forget: Not one Democrat voted for this tax cut!
  9. We always knew liberalism was goofy but when did it get so creepy?! SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  10. This is why Dimms choose these Judges. This is a District Court Judge in San Franfreako! [Hidden Content]
  11. A lot of smart people here. No one can come up with a thought on why they say "voluntary compliance" when we know it's not. There must be a reason why they say it. Come on -- give us your thoughts on why!
  12. More on "racist" Trump! [Hidden Content]
  13. This shows that Harpo's nothing more than a typical commie-lib. When you have nothing this is what you say! [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "My rapist was/is your friend, Bill Clinton!" oprah was 100% in support of hillary clinton. Therefore wasbn't bothered by Bill's past. oprah the enabler!
  15. Well, here it is: Dimms concerned only about the future votes! [Hidden Content]
  16. Let's see what the Democrats have lined up for 2020: Oprah, Hillary, Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders (admitted Socialist), Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden. Not a Constitutionalist among them. It's amazing how for left they've drove the Dimm party.
  17. oprah = obama in a dress! [Hidden Content]
  18. This is all we need to know! And what is that? They ALL knew!!
  19. I'm not sure this applies to the QB. Unless I misunderstood something he wants to graduate next December. This says if you want to graduate a year early one must apply in the 9th grade. So, is it possible at PN-G to do what he wants?
  20. Kinda puts the libs in a pickle. I see Trump winning by 70%.
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