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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. True! And my fact would also be "follow the money!" AlGore made a lot of money on this global warming scam.
  2. This "science" is usually funded by drug companies. So...
  3. We are in a La Nina. Mother nature controls this NOT humans! [Hidden Content]
  4. Reagan


    Steve, obama did this on purpose. He's actually a pro-Trump, capitalist Republican!
  5. Again -- good thing there's Global warming. Because it would REALLY be cold! [Hidden Content]
  6. What should happen: 1) All involved should immediately be fired. 2) If any, any Federal tax dollars should be immediately withdrawn until they straighten out! And, possibly threaten state funding. We need to start making examples out of districts that use school for indoctrination instead of education. Once others see this they'll fall in line and get back to what schools are actually for! [Hidden Content]
  7. New England vs Vikings. It would have been NE vs Eagles but QB for Eagles is out. Tough to go against Brady. So, New England to win.
  8. Reagan


    True! When the hunger pains starts gnawing on the backbone they'll be standing in line begging for these jobs! All they need is a little incentive!
  9. Reagan


    So, do you support the people or the radical Government in place?
  10. So -- now we know why CNN is the way they are!
  11. Cold records smashed! [Hidden Content]
  12. The is your tax dollars at work! These two should be immediately fired. And/or, tax money going to this university should be cut in half. We'll see then what's important to the university! [Hidden Content]
  13. Libs have a new ally in their war on humans concerning Global Warming: Sharks! LOL! Mother Nature is doing her best to let the libs know that she does what she wants. So, since they are losing the argument, I'm trying to figure out when and how they are going to start screaming racism! I know some are laughing but we all know it's coming!
  14. AlGore! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  15. The Global Alarmist trying to explain why everyone is freezing while they are screaming "Global Warming!" [Hidden Content]
  16. The US should blockade any oil shipments to N. Korea! Hopefully it's on the table!
  17. LOL! Can't deal with the question so the words get changed! HA! Good one! In case you forget, here it is again: " Hoops is still trying to figure out how humans caused the ice age to happen to begin with. And, also, trying to figure out how he can blame humans when the earth did finally warm up to come out of the ice age. " Since you are trying to convince us that humans cause global warming then one can't ignore the statements in quotes! The point is -- if humans didn't cause it then, humans aren't causing it now!
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