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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Brother -- right there with you!
  2. I say they were a well coached team that beat a team that had overall better athletes. So, again, a well coached team can win. Point I have been trying to get across here for some time. BTW -- a team doesn't win because of just "one" player. But, I'm not taking away how well the QB performed.
  3. You think they had better athletes than Manvel?
  4. When Trump was elected, ISIS occupied 17,500 square miles in Iraq, Syria; Now, It's only 1,900 square miles! [Hidden Content]
  5. From San Francisco. [Hidden Content]
  6. Should be cut in half by Pruitt anyway! [Hidden Content]
  7. True. If we are talking about a 6'6" 290 pounder. But, again, these certain athletes that you describe that their mommas and daddys create, are they only created in West Orange? Why not any where else locally? Maybe I should use another term instead of create an athlete. Maybe I should create a football player. As I see it, the Cartage coach creates player. The Aledo coach creates players. Art Briles created players. Doug Ethridge won a State Title in New Mexico and won one and played for one at PN-G. Ethridge created his players. You look at the consistent winning teams and emulate them. There's no shame in that!
  8. I think if one pays close attention you can tell if it's one or the other or both. Watching the Newton game last night, I was watching the Middle Linebacker make plays. I'm sure he has some talent. But he was always in the right place at the right time. That tells me he was well coached.
  9. I will be observing the talent of the State Title participants and evaluate how I feel they compare/don't compare to what we have locally. I would suggest to those that are actually interested do the same.
  10. He's playing for his 3rd straight Title. It's not about how many FBS players you have. It's hard for me to believe that they win every year and they just so happen to have great athletes every year. When in Vidor, PN-G and Nederland -- not that far away -- they can't replicate the same thing. It has to be coaching ability. JMO. What's your take on it?
  11. Briles won 4 Titles in 7 years. Only one since he's left. Stephenville has 5 State Titles in 20 years. Like Aledo, did Stepenville ALWAYS have the talent? Or -- was it created through coaching?! Personally I feel C. Thompson at WOS creates his athletes. JMO!
  12. Indeed it is while again sitting at home watching the State Championship games!
  13. Why don't others (liberals) post here anymore? Why does bologna hate a meat grinder? LOL!! JK!
  14. Aledo has 7 state titles in 18 years. Do they ALWAYS have better athletes? BTW, thanks for doing the research!
  15. Here's the breakdown. [Hidden Content]
  16. BigGirl, TxHoops, Westend, they won't give the money back that Trump got for them!
  17. I'll respond. If they do then it's fair. But, supposedly there was some question of fraud.
  18. From Australia. [Hidden Content]
  19. Why not? Is one teacher better than the other? A teacher has always been in a profession where they love to teach and not so much for the money. If the money is all they are interested in then they do the students a disservice. As for as the coaches, it should be merit pay, as in private business. I doubt the High Island would reach the 80,000 level. If he gets that good, though, he'll be gone to other schools. Coaches want to coach. I'm sure the Katy HC would still be there at 80,000. If they don't like it, they can go into private business and make all they want. But, again, priorities! Let me put it this way: The State gives money to school districts. Which you and I help subsidize these massive salaries all over they State. Now, what would happen if the State would cut off funding? Massive local tax increases to keep this funding alive. Would the local citizens now put up with paying HC's this amount of money knowing that the purpose of school is an education? I don't think the citizens would be happy at all. What say you?
  20. Liberals are always a source of amusement! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  21. That's were you and I disagree. I added some concerning Aledo. Through all the State Tiles Aledo has, it would be interesting to see how many signed with big-time colleges.
  22. Good for them. I wonder how many Aledo will have?! But, I'll say it again -- it's all about coaching. I'm sure coaching had a lot to do with those 4 players signing. A good coach can win with talented and less talented players. A mediocre coach can only win with good players. BTW -- I watched some clips of Aledo and their players do not look any different than Nederland's and PN-G's. So, again, as many Titles as they have it HAS to be the coaching.
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