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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. WOW! Yes both questions were pertinent to the conversation. And the other party answered both questions. Just needed to find out a few things concerning the other party.
  2. I agree. Top the Supers in at 100,000 dollars. And that might be too much.
  3. It's always telling which side fights the voter ID laws. There is a reason they do that!!
  4. I can say a HC shouldn't make over 80,000. A teacher, probably 60.000. Principle. 90,000 and Superintendent 100.000. I always relate to public and private sector. Not many people in the private sector (not total house income) makes a base of 80.90.100,000 dollars. So, really, the public sector shouldn't either. Just my opinion! And the more I think about it all I've stated, except the teachers, may be too much.
  5. So, #1: You blame the kids. #2: You have no expertise in this area. Nuff said! BTW, I did watch Aledo last year. And the athletes they had appeared to be no better than Nederland's and PN-G's. I've strung you along long enough. I'll let you off the hook. You joke about Doug Ethridge. Let me assure you I know excellent coaches when I see them!
  6. The salient point is: How many teachers could you hire with $155,000? Again -- priorities. BTW, background does matter. If you are paid with tax dollars then we do not have a center for discussion. Someone that gets paid with tax dollars are always going to defend that side. So, yes, it does matter.
  7. Explain your expertise! Also, you constantly bring up the Manvel game. Do you feel Nederland lost because of coaching or the athletes?
  8. If the State gives money to districts (yes they do) then salary caps can be made. I'll have to think about what caps those should be. Remember, we are dealing with tax dollars, not free enterprise. Just as a point of reference: Do you work in the private sector? Plus, not thinking a HC should be paid $155,000 is not ignoring inconvenient truths. BTW: I notice you haven't commented on the Carthage situation. Apparently you are OK with it.
  9. Only a 'what if" situation. These coaches have won Titles. The original point I made was a response to the talent level at Nederland and could one of these 4 coaches have put Nederland in the Title Game. I say it's possible.
  10. Again, no shots. Stating facts. Again, no one in this district compares (yet) with the 4 coaches I mentioned.
  11. Just stating a fact as I see it. The four coaches that I mentioned, there are known is this district compared to them. And "that's" not speculation! And, BTW, no hate!
  12. Remember, ol' fish lips al franken actually lost the election when he first ran. But, they challenged the results and "miraculously" he pulled ahead and won. So --one never knows!
  13. There is no denying. My point is simply this...he might go to High Island and turn a 5.5 second 40 into a 5.0 second 40... but a 5.0 second 40 is still not fast enough. And he may turn a 140lb bench press into a 180lb bench press...but that's still weak. So yeah he might make them better given enough time and community support, but there will be no state championships. I'll choose to differ here. Knowing the coach that he is, he could possibly win a Title on "that" level. Plus, winning a Title is not about how many one sends to college. Coaches that gets their kids to play above their level may not be college material.
  14. Why is the MSM ignoring this bombshell?? [Hidden Content]
  15. Let's take a look at Aledo. I watched their State game last year and have to admit, their athletes did not look that exceptional. But, a little history: In the past 18 years, Aledo has won "7" State Titles. Now, is Aledo a place where a school would get that kind of so-called talent year in and year out. I would say no. Just like I talked about Briles and Stephenville. It's about picking the right coach.
  16. One has to wonder if Cornel Thompson, Art Briles, Doug Ethridge or Steve Wood (Aledo coach) was Nederland's coach would the outcome have been different? Again, mere speculation.
  17. Very interesting! From the article: " Carthage ISD raised local property taxes, slashed most teacher benefits, packed students in classrooms, and cut 32.5 teaching, security, transportation and administrative positions." BUT -- gave the HC a $20,000 raise. Come on supporters of this type of action, help us understand this!
  18. Not sure I would agree with this. But, it's mere speculation on both our parts. Let's take Aledo, they are playing in the second straight Sate Championship. Do you think they have better athletes than Nederland or Port Neches? Or is it coaching? Back went Art Briles was at Stephenville, he won, what, 4 State titles?! They've been decent since but not what Briles achieved. Briles goes to Baylor and has a massive turn-a-round. He leaves and they got to S**t! Think back to the Gordon Woods at Brownwood (6 Titles) and G.A. Moore at Celina (5 Titles), you think these people always had the talent? Or was the athlete coached to get them were they needed to be? A lot of times coaches will use the "we don't have the talent" excuse to cover for their failings. By the way, in the 70's, you think PN-G had the overall talent to win as much as they did? Or was it Doug Ethridge, the coach?
  19. WOW -- silence from the minority left here! Capitalism wins again!
  20. WOW -- the left here has gone silent! Capitalism wins again!
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