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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This brings me back, again, to ask the question: Does WOS always have the athletes year in and year out? Or -- are the athletes made through coaching?
  2. Indeed we do! But, there's nothing Capitalist about paying people with taxpayers dollars. Basically on the contrary! In the private sector I believe you can make all you want. But, yes, we can dictate what people people make when one is dealing with tax dollars. If one doesn't like it then they can move into the private sector and make a gazillion dollars if their worth allows.
  3. Well, me Compadre, I would agree about Teachers. But it was clear whom I was talking about is overpaid.
  4. Not sure I would agree that administrators should be paid this type of money either!
  5. Never once said abolish football. Said as long as teachers can't get paid this much then no one should. With that being said, I would support the legislature capping what high school head coaches make. It's only fair for the teachers!
  6. Schools are for teaching. It would still go on without athletics. In your response never once talked about the main purpose of schools.
  7. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  8. I watched the Pleasant Grove clip. This is made for WOS' defense. Stack the box and go man on the outside. Should be made to order for WOS!
  9. IMO -- no high school coach should be paid $155,000!
  10. And they keep winning! Interesting. Sorta brings us back to why some programs win with just decent talent. Brings us back to what I always say -- Coaching!
  11. Global Warming fake news from the start? [Hidden Content]
  12. From the article: " Weren’t you the only Attorney General in U.S. history to be held in contempt of congress?? And you don’t speak for me or the vast majority of the American people you POS!! Get back in your hole, rat. #FastandFurious #corrupt #Liar #ericholderhaszerointegrity [Hidden Content]." [Hidden Content]
  13. The slimy one himself! [Hidden Content]
  14. CNN is a bought and paid for arm of the Democratic party.
  15. I don't think it's a coincidence that the folks that believe in :"man made" global warming are the same folks that are considered socialist ( AlGore, Clinton, obama, Moonbeam Brown, ect) that wants to control your behavior in just about everything. I always thought it's interesting that these same socialist think they know what's better for me than I do! Capitalism: I control me. Socialism: Somebody else controls me. Which is more evil? Again -- the bottom line: It gets hotter when the Sun is more active. It gets cooler when the Sun is less active. Not rocket science!
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