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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. We won't here any more about the these 3 women! Let's watch and see.
  2. Hummm!! [Hidden Content]
  3. Again -- what's in the envelope? [Hidden Content]
  4. This is what the political left has come to. This is the face of the left! [Hidden Content]
  5. I saw a montage of the various left-wing news organizations and all basically said the same thing: He threw ice in a bar. I wonder if they even read their talking points before they spew their venom?
  6. Thanks!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. From the article: "Ford’s lawyers tell Grassley that they will provide her therapy notes, polygraph data to the FBI once she is interviewed (that hasn’t happened as of now). Worth remembering that for all the talk of the FBI’s supplemental background check, the Constitution confers authority to advise and consent on the Senate and only the Senate. Refusal to provide info to the committee is striking. She had over two weeks to provide them to the Senate which, in this case, has more investigative jurisdiction than the FBI does. She could have presented them during open testimony as corroborating evidence. She didn’t. Grassley response: “It’s disappointing that Dr. Ford’s attorneys were willing to share evidence with The Washington Post many weeks ago but to this day refuse to share the same evidence, which Dr. Ford relied on in her testimony, with the Senate.” This is a game. It’s time to end it." In other words, SHE PUT CONDITIONS on providing evidence that Ford herself claimed would help prove her own case. What possible reason could there be for that, UNLESS the therapy notes contradicted her story or were in fact helpful to prove Kavanaugh’s innocence? [Hidden Content]
  9. Yes, what was in that envelope that she handed to Christine Balsey Ford's lawyer? Being a Socialist, I'm sure Ms Lee was up to no good!
  10. When I go to view, I see this: "Sign in to confirm your age. This video may be inappropriate for some users."
  11. There's a pattern here. But, the Dims being stupid as they are, didn't expect this to go this far with all this bing exposed. They figured Kavanough would quit or Trump pull his nomination. But that didn't happen. If it would have, then all this would go away and no one would have to explain themselves. But -- they got caught and exposed. These "victims" are exposed as evil radical Democratic hacks! Think not? Ask yourself this: Why is only radical liberals being sexually harassed. And why is it only radical liberal lawyers are representing them?! [Hidden Content]
  12. One of Kavanaugh's radical accusers! [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. I say all companies should leave California and let's see how far Socialism takes them!
  15. This one will be interesting!
  16. Why the smear? [Hidden Content]
  17. What say you. [Hidden Content]
  18. Woman who confronted Flake in elevator was a Soros stooge. Pretty much who we figured was behind this slime! [Hidden Content]
  19. Vidor 35 PNG 34
  20. Steve, you are right. True sexual assault victims remember everything. Ones that are lying can't remember because there's nothing there to remember. Take the women that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted and raped (Juanita Broaddrick) -- they remember every sorted detail!
  21. What -- the Dems need more info to vote NO?
  22. Would be interesting to find out who's paying these lawyers! [Hidden Content]
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