I heard today an interesting thought: There are Dimms that want to ban gun sales to anyone under 25 years of age. The thought goes like this: OK, if you want to deny Constitutional rights of gun ownership based on age -- then we'll agree only if the Dimms agree to deny abortions to any woman under 25 years of age!
Unfortunately these young skulls full of mush are being taught to be victims. “At some point, we’re going to get fatigued with everybody being the victim. You have to play the hand you’re dealt.” – Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. One day they'll either learn that they are the Captain of their own destiny or they'll sink into the bottomless pit known as "victim hood!" And as obama always like to remind everybody, "it's someone else's fault!"
Good one about God!
About CNN: This is why we should not make rash decisions after a tragedy. As with CNN, and others, at this time it's shamelessly about agendas!
Because it's the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction they are famous for. Do they ever discuss any other reason that might be the reason(s) for all this violence?! NO! The slime Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, and obama's friend, stated: "Never let a serious crisis go to waste!" So, there you have the answer!