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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Out or forced out?! [Hidden Content]
  2. Check out how nice and expensive these signs look! Spontaneous outrage? SMH!
  3. Indeed! Many more to come!
  4. From the article: "He (Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Christopher C. Horner) said the polar bear scare turned out to be another dud. “As a famous EPA memo I found said, ‘Make it about children struggling to breathe. That’s what people care about because the polar bear stories aren’t persuading people,'” Horner said. “As you know, polar bear populations plummeted from somewhere below 5,000 to nearly 30,000, so that one had to go,” laughed Horner." Like I've said before -- the name changes and scare tactics are all a con game by the left to control your every move! And they found an easy vehicle -- the EPA! [Hidden Content]
  5. ICE baby, ICE! [Hidden Content]
  6. I was clicking through he channels Saturday night and I saw on CNN, "The Van Jones Show." Van Jones is an admitted communist. He work for obama until he was found out to be a communist and obama had to let go. Not that obama was sorry he was a communist, NO, he was just sorry that the public found out!
  7. When the Dept Of Education was created as a political payback to the education unions for their support by Jimma Carter, this allowed the commies to infiltrate with their "indoctrination" instead of education! They realized they could mold young skulls full of mush.
  8. From the article: "... the government’s conduct regarding a 2014 standoff at the family’s longtime family ranch, terming it “outrageous.” “There has been flagrant misconduct, substantial prejudice and no lesser remedy is sufficient,” she said." WOW! Imagine that! These words "outrageous, flagrant misconduct and substantial prejudice" being used when talking about the obama administration! Sad!!. [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Can ANYONE reasonably doubt that, again, liberalism is a mental disease?! We aren't short of examples for sure! SMH!
  12. Another Religion Of Peace update! [Hidden Content]
  13. YES -- they have been recovered! [Hidden Content]
  14. I just saw a protest march by the non-American immigrants in front of Chucky Shumer's house. They were toting fine, fancy signs. Nothing spontaneous about this at all!
  15. It's highly possible! [Hidden Content]
  16. Didn't the individual that basically created obamacare say the same thing?
  17. I doubt this was their idea. Someone needs to approach an unsuspecting one and ask them how much they are getting paid to do this. I smell soro's rotten tentacles wrapped all around this!!
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Jerry Malone, if it's the same one I'm thinking about, is an interesting applicant.
  20. When they elect commie Mayors like this one and the last one, well, does one expect any different?!
  21. [Hidden Content]
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