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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I wonder who paid her? Do you notice this dingle-berry is reading her concerns? Spontaneous?! Give me a break!! [Hidden Content]
  2. The Socialist/Communist confused again! [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. WOS wins because of the defense!
  5. In 2009, Gillibrand held the opposite view. So -- what has changed??!!
  6. Hummmmmmmmmmmm! [Hidden Content]
  7. Both Commies! But apparently becoming mainstream in the Democratic party! Good for us!!
  8. More of the evil left's derangement! [Hidden Content]
  9. Keep an eye on Amy Barrett. She clerked for Scalia. Plus -- I'll continue to expose the Democrat's war on women when they attack her, which they are going to do!, if she is chosen.
  10. Remember, Blue, the "sheets" were the police arm of the Democratic party back in the day!
  11. From the article: "And as for predominantly Muslim countries, the Muslim countries with the largest Muslim populations weren’t even on the list … left out 92 percent of the world’s Muslims,” he added, rejecting the Left’s arguments about racism. “Now the minority on the court went nuts,” Levin said of the 5-4 decision. “They went full Maxine Waters.”" [Hidden Content]
  12. One Socialist beat another Socialist. At least she admits what she is. LOL!!
  13. One of obumer's UN-American plants on the Supreme Court! [Hidden Content]
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Of the Constitutional decision, Democratic Senator from Delaware, Chris Coons, stated that what President is doing may be Constitutional BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S RIGHT!! Imagine that -- another Democrat that hates the Constitution!
  16. It doesn't matter where PN-G is ranked, Nederland is going to beat them anyway! Poor lil' Indian boys are going to be disappointed once again!
  17. From the article: " In the 5-4 opinion penned by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court found that Trump's immigration restriction fell "squarely" within the president's authority." This means the President has the Constitutional authority to do this. 4 on the Court apparently do not understand the Constitution. So why are they still there?? [Hidden Content]
  18. No outrage because they aren't potential American democratic voters.
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