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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Nothing more than a political tool by the Anarchist left?! The punk wasn't even there!! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. Nothing more than a political tool by the Anarchist left?! The punk wasn't even there!! [Hidden Content]
  4. This is what a young Hitler looks like. Add the funky mustache and open the fingers he have the look AND the salute!
  5. Survivor says don't blame guns -- blame the "Cowards Of Broward County!" [Hidden Content]
  6. REBgf -- I'm disappointed in you. You are giving 10% of CNN for having truth tellers?! Shame on you! LOL!!
  7. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. What!? [Hidden Content]
  10. Just like he's botching this one!
  11. Bombshell report: [Hidden Content]
  12. If there was collusion he would have already found it. It's been, what, 14 months and nothing. Talk about abuse and wasting taxpayer dollars!
  13. To bad he didn't do weight training for his brain!
  14. Global Warming hoax hit! [Hidden Content]
  15. Russia funding environmental groups! [Hidden Content]
  16. Where's the carbon mafia? [Hidden Content]
  17. Great. Thanks for the info!
  18. Tillerson went rogue! [Hidden Content]
  19. Does anyone know who might have this video? A few years back I talked to Butch Troy and he told me that he thought Richy Ethridge had the game video. If anyone knows Richy, ask him if he has it. If so, ask him to put it on you tube.
  20. She'll find a way to do it!! I guess it really shouldn't surprise anyone! [Hidden Content]
  21. So, Mueller was charged with finding if there was any collusion. It's been, what, 14 months since the special counsel was formed. Now the question is: Can Mueller continue on with this fishing expedition? Is he the only that can terminate it? Doesn't Congress, since it is taxpayer dollars involved, have any authority to shut it down? Jeff Sessions needs to tell Rod Rosenstien that it's time to shut it down! [Hidden Content]
  22. It's good for "normal Americans" that they just don't get it!
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