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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. The fake smear campaign may be turning voters toward Roy Moore! [Hidden Content]
  2. I found it: PN-G gave up 384 total yards. PN-G had 436 total yards on offense.
  3. I had predicted 35-17. I figured PNG's defense would eventually be their demise. On any level of football 35 points should be enough to win. Anyone have what the total yardage given up by PNG's defense? Also, does anyone have what the total yardage gained by PNG's offense?
  4. Did any of our liberal friends here participate in this? [Hidden Content]
  5. ABC affiliate can't find one person who believes the story about Roy Moore. [Hidden Content]
  6. Brookshire Royal is 1-8? And a playoff team?! Seriously?! SMH!!
  7. Multiple standing ovations for Roy Moore! [Hidden Content]
  8. Accuser worked for Clinton and Biden campaigns!!
  9. Bombshell! Appears there could possibly be an obama/holder connection! [Hidden Content]
  10. I originally said there's two possible situations here. The second is the Republican swamp. Remember, McCain did run with the fake dossier. So...
  11. Like I said on another topic -- could obama and holder be behind this? Maybe also involving the slimy communist soros?
  12. Could obama and holder be behind this last minute outrage concerning Roy Moore??
  13. From the article: " “If they believe this man is predatory, they are guilty of allowing him to exist for 40 years,” Henry said. “I think someone should prosecute and go after them. You can’t be a victim 40 years later, in my opinion.” " [Hidden Content]
  14. The Washington Compost wrote this story. They have endorsed Moore's opponent. This event supposedly happen 38 years ago. Why are we just now hearing about it?
  15. Sure is funny how this just came up. This is Nov. 9th and the election is Dec 12. Awful fishy! But, there's two aspects to this story. I'll comment later as I check further.
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Dem Rep doesn't see a problem with their stance! [Hidden Content]
  18. 35 - 17 Nederland!
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. 1956 A 5MB hard drive being loaded onto a Pan Am plane.
  21. Eat zoo animals! [Hidden Content]
  22. The Texas hero who stopped this thug was an NRA instructor. [Hidden Content]
  23. A "government" screw up allowed this to happen. There are those that say government is the answer to all problems! [Hidden Content]
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