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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Rush, as always, is RIGHT on! [Hidden Content]
  2. I don't think Baylor would put up with this embarrassing, childish behavior like the other colleges are allowing!
  3. Steve, one thing about it -- Trump's putting in adults in these important positions.
  4. It's like when Hillary made the statement that if elected she was going to run the coal miners out of business and coal miners will lose their jobs. And when a miner confronted her about it she said -- you took my statement out of context! So, BigGirl, if you excepted your beloved Hillary's explanation then you have to accept that this too was taken out of context!
  5. Quoting Motherjones and the Huffington Puffington Post? What's next, the Political Times of communist Russia or China? Listen -- these rags, along with the lame-stream media, got the polls wrong and the election wrong. And you still take them serious?
  6. BigGirl, this type of rhetoric didn't work for Hillary. So why keep up the narrative?
  7. If electing Trump makes them have a nervous breakdown, can you imagine what would happen to these snowflakes if they were called upon to go to war and defend our country??!!
  8. True! With carter we got Reagan. With obama we got Trump! Again -- everything is done for a reason!
  9. That's what I'm talking about. It's time to kick some arse! [Hidden Content]
  10. From the article: "...the legislation, introduced a year ago by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was held up due to the Obama administration’s support of the group." Come obama supporters -- why would he support a terrorist group??
  11. This is who the Dems want to lead the DNC. I HOPE SO!!!! [Hidden Content]
  12. There's a reason for everything!
  13. But that's not what it takes to win. I'm sure if it was, Trump would have ran a different type of campaign. But, his campaign was structured to win the Electoral College. And he did!
  14. Well, this is interesting! I didn't see this coming. I would prefer Trump nominate Cruz to the Supreme Court. [Hidden Content]
  15. Listen up, Snowflakes! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  16. SMH part 2. Folks, you just make this stuff up! [Hidden Content]
  17. Their free speech is important not the University's President. These 469 students and professors that signed this letter, doesn't seem that concerned though. They still go to school there and still work there! If they had true convictions, the professors should resign and the students should leave and go else where. As a matter of fact, if I were the University President -- I would insist on it! [Hidden Content]
  18. Wasn't talking about scores. I was talking about outcomes. The outcome is what I predicted.
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