When AlGore's on your side of this then you know it's fake! Again -- it's ALL about the sun's activity. Sun picks up, we heat up. Sun slows down, we cool down. Not rocket science.
Thanks to President Trump. The economy grew at a rate of 3.8%. This time last year, under obama, was 1.9%. obama's last quarter was 1.6%. The people are smart enough to know that a socialist is not concerned about the economy. More concerned about how many they can put on welfare. You know, capitalism is unfair so socialist like obama was going to even the playing field.
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I have been wondering how it would take before the "civil right's Industry" became involved. Can't let another con go to waste without cashing in on it!
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That sign looks pre-made. Nothing "spontaneous" about this sign. I wonder how much this dude was payed to be outraged? Plus -- if he's truly concerned -- WHY IS HE HIDING HIS FACE??!!
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