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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. With MOAB, as of now -- 94 dead terrorist! Probably will be more!
  2. Wonder why the slowness? I hope they are investigating and will due a serious piece on what they find. Well, anyway, I hope that's what they are doing!
  3. Where are the local news media on this?? Unless I missed it, I haven't heard a word from them about this.
  4. The key word is "Illegal!" Something obama couldn't/wouldn't understand.
  5. But probably true. [Hidden Content]
  6. Check these little dweebs out. One just found out what the American flag stands for! [Hidden Content]
  7. Being appointed by obama, well, that right there probably says she's wrong on this! [Hidden Content]
  8. How else can one explain it? [Hidden Content]
  9. The touchy-feely crowd is what got us into this situation in the first place.
  10. FISA's that are turned down are about 0.03%. With all the rumors surrounding Trump and Russia last year, obama sought a FISA warrant HOPING to find something. There is/was nothing there. But -- it did have an unintended result: Susan Rice committing a felony by unmasking the names of Americans.
  11. When the left uses the "race card" you know they are losing the debate!
  12. Should be "are NOT qualified to vote."
  13. Liberals are the ones that always come out against voter ID's. It's because with voter ID's they can't scam the voting system with people that are qualified to vote. And with the typical liberal ploy -- they blame racism. It's not working anymore. What's ironic is that the in order to get into the Democratic Convention last year -- one needed an ID to enter! LOL!!
  14. When you think liberals can't go anymore insane then they already are, there's always going to be someone on the left to take it a step further into mental illness! [Hidden Content]
  15. Rice is a professional liar! Much like clinton and obama.
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