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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Why were they paying him so much for doing so little? [Hidden Content]
  2. In order to get it passed, and to fool the sheeple, Congress was part of obamacare. When it passed, obama exempted Congress. Salient question: Can Trump pull that exemption??
  3. Prayers!
  4. SAD!! This is the face of government ran health care!! ANYONE that believes in it ought to be a shame!! [Hidden Content]
  5. Department Of Education should be eliminated immediately! Every state has one. Education is a State and level situation! This department was strictly created as a payoff to the teacher's union by another failed democratic President, Jimma Carter.
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. The death panels are called "Payment Advisory Board." It's been described as an independent advisory board that, from the article. " has been described by one senator as a group of “unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to make health care decisions on behalf of American families and seniors.” Wait -- I thought our socialist friends here said that there was no such thing as this "Payment Advisory Board" that makes life or death decisions for those folks that are unfortunately involved in obamacare? SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  8. Nobody cares what McCain thinks. Remember -- he could not even beat the worst President in the history of America!
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Connecting more dots concerning the Democratic IT Spy! [Hidden Content]
  12. Or, why is he still breathing? [Hidden Content]
  13. Dimms dodging questions about it's employee! [Hidden Content]
  14. There's a reason why they exempted themselves fro obamacare. They know it's not any good. Only the sheeple falls for it and thinks it's wonderful!
  15. Congress should call Mueller before them and ask him: Why did he hire so many pro-Hillary lawyers to investigate Trump? As a side note, Mueller's law firm gave about 99% of donations to democrats. But, that means nothing, right? Anyway, back to questions for Mueller. Next question: What does looking into trumps business deals from 10 years ago have to do with Russian collusion in the 2016 election? I'm sure there's more excellent questions that can be asked. If Mueller goes outside the scope of his investigation, Congress has the right/authority to cancel his investigation. If he strays -- they should immediately cancel this witch hunt!
  16. The "new" democratic slogan, "A Better Deal For The American Worker" is nothing but typical liberal/socialist, Marxist baloney. From the article: "Schumer promises to raise the minimum wage, to create new government agencies, to establish new welfare programs, and to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure. Which is to say, the Democrats have no new ideas. They’ve been selling this warmed-over, marxism clap-trap for over 100 years, which is one of the reasons we’re in the pickle we're in right now,” Levin said. It’s a better deal for America’s welfare recipients. The Democrats don’t care about anybody who works, they care about people going on welfare,” Levin said. “They care about bringing in as many illegal aliens as they can so they can to turn red states purple and then blue.” [Hidden Content]
  17. Not sustainable! OK, liberals, how do you pose we pay for all of this? [Hidden Content]
  18. ...Than the Government trying to do it! [Hidden Content]
  19. We need more of these types of people that takes care of business. You know -- doing the right thing!!
  20. How many jobs have been created by Trump through the years? How much has he given to charity? The best for the poor is a pay check NOT a welfare check!
  21. I thought Mueller's mandate was Russian collusion? Mueller's looking into Trump's business deals from 10 years ago. How is that relevant to the 2016 election and Russian collusion?
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