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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. So since “rules” get set by speeches, should I pull out some of President Trump’s finer speeches (since speeches based on Pubic logic create rules and “precedents.”). I mean, if a single Senator can create a rule and precedent, I guess an actual President can create a super-rule or even a lifestyle, way of thinking, or general principle that should be applied to him, his party, and most certainly anyone who has supported him. Would that upset any of you??? Don’t answer. The answer must be on this board a thousand times LOL! It's always fun to throw back in the face of what liberals say as they run around high-fiving each other while saying it. But, more importantly, there's nothing in obama's past choices for judges that would give any reason that the one in question was a strict Constitutionalist. Knowing obama's contempt for the Constitution, he didn't select judges with that criteria in mind. Kagan, Sotomayor are jokes. They make decisions in lock-step with what obama wanted and now doing the bidding for whatever the socialist, Anti-Amercan agenda calls for. The two clowns, Watson and Chuang, that voted to block Trump's immigration policy had no concern of what the law actually says. Everyone knows the President has this authority. But, again, that's not why they were chosen. I believe I put an article on this forum about obama being involved in filing these lawsuits against Trump. Then they go judge shopping. They go to ones he appoints because he knows what the outcome will be. Again -- he should, that's why he put them there. So, again, the salient point is, the judge in question would not been good for America.
  2. One shouldn't get upset when one set the rules (The Biden Rule) and then when we play by them one get upset.
  3. Man -- this hits the nail right on the head!
  4. Just to clarify: you said Republicans set the standard. Again -- it was actually Biden. You of your guys!
  5. muslim lawyer: It is a "national duty" to rape girls who wear revealing cloths. BigGirl -- what say you?? [Hidden Content]
  6. The muslims are using vehicles now plus hatchets. Are we going to ban both of them along with guns. But, seriously, BigGirl, laws are for those that will abide by them! I'll tell you what, I'll make a deal with you. We'll move in next to each other. Then I'll put a sign that says, with an arrow pointing to your house, this neighbor believes in gun control and is not armed. I'll even put that I am fully armed. Which one do you think the thugs will break in and rob??
  7. Well, only if this continues. Where are these kids getting their ideas about communism is something to be proud of? From the article: "According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy. What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”" Stalin and Un are the two worst mass murderers in world history. [Hidden Content]
  8. Not one of the major news channels said anything about what Donna Brazil had to say. Nothing from NBC, CBS, or ABC. Also, they mentioned very little about the great economic news. When they did, they down played it.
  9. Did anyone notice the lack of compassion for what happened in NYC by the Governor and Mayor. No outrage was shown at all. It was like just another day in NYC. Before any facts were given one of them said this a "lone wolf" situation. One has to wonder about the souls of liberals!
  10. She's just confirming what we already knew! Even a broke clock is right twice a day.
  11. Without a shadow of doubt! [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. The "Diversity Visa" Lottery: In the government fiscal year ending September 2015, the most recent year for which statistics are available, the State Department received about 9.4 million applications for Diversity Immigrant Visas. The applications included petitions for another 5 million spouses and children who would be admitted to the U.S. with lottery winners, for a total of 14.4 million potential visa recipients. About 125,000 of them were lottery-selected, giving them the right to apply for immigrant visas – a number that the State Department cut off at 50,000 on a first-come, first-served basis. Uzbekistan was the 8th-highest represented nation among the lottery winners that year. THE TOP TEN: Cameroon: 5,000 Liberia: 5,000 Iran: 4,992 Egypt: 4,988 Ethiopia: 4,988 Democratic Republic of the Congo: 4,943 Ukraine: 4,679 Uzbekistan: 4,368 Russia: 4,103 Kenya: 3,534
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. This was an ad in Virginia depicting a supporter of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie running down minority children in a truck. [Hidden Content]
  17. de-blasio was repeatedly warned! [Hidden Content]
  18. Why don't the media treat islamist terror attacks like white supremacist terror attacks? From the article: "CNN ran a chyron reading, “WITNESSES: SUSPECT WAS YELLING ‘GOD IS GREAT’ IN ARABIC.” Indeed they did! I saw it! [Hidden Content]
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