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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Salient point here: What does this have to do with Russian collusion?
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Come on, our friends on the left. How about an answer?
  4. Who's going to pay for this? There is not a money tree.
  5. Costing more and more! [Hidden Content]
  6. Were they allowed to take time off to campaign for Hillarious Clintonista? [Hidden Content]
  7. When Medicaid was instituted, there 4 million people on it. When obama became President, there were 50 Million people on it. Because of obamacare, when he left there were 73.5 Million people on it. obamacare shifted a lot of the Medicaid program to the states. Illinois is already feeling the drastic effects of this. Illinois is on the verge of bankruptcy. So -- AGAIN -- another failed government program. BTW -- should we talk about the US Postal Service losing billions and billions of dollars each quarter? I have my on theory what the Postal Service has become. Why is it still allowed to run losing this massive amount of money? Especially when private company's can do better!
  8. The mere fact that they are going after Trump Jr proves it was all political against Trump Sr. In other words -- they have/had NOTHING. They don't even talk about collusion anymore. Because the lame stream media was exposed for as being nothing more than "fake news!" They are so stupid they don't even realize people are not falling for their lies!
  9. 28 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Any "reasonable person" would say that's unsustainable!
  10. Add another one. These just don't get what what this past past election. And why! [Hidden Content]
  11. This is from the Medicare trustees: Medicare has unfunded liabilities of 28 TRILLION dollars. Now, this is for our liberal faction here of BigGirl, TXHoops, westend, nappyroots, and kountzer: What private insurance company, free market alternative to the government, has 28 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities?
  12. Next order of business is to get principled Constitutional conservatives in these Senate seats. [Hidden Content]
  13. BG, I know you love it.. But, how are you going to pay for it?
  14. I'm sure there is racism some where in this!
  15. Patti Davis was never one of us. She holds your views. So, nothing new here.
  16. This is for our socialist friends here to explain, again, how well government runs thing!! [Hidden Content]
  17. There was/is death panels. I believe it was/is a 15 member board that makes life/death decisions. Read the article and ask lil Charlie Gard what socialized medicine will do to you! [Hidden Content]
  18. The kkk was the police arm of the Democratic party. That's a fact!
  19. ...is not a mental disease! [Hidden Content]
  20. Lynch is running! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  21. Another CNN lie. Even after all the fakes news has been exposed about CNN, they are still at it. I guess they must think there are some really stupid people out there that still think CNN doesn't offer fake news. SMH! [Hidden Content]
  22. Hummmm! [Hidden Content]
  23. When all they have left is to cheat at the polls then you know we have them on the run! [Hidden Content]
  24. Deep state plot? [Hidden Content]
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