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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Even more! [Hidden Content]
  2. Being 20 TRILLION in debt, I would beg to differ! The government is not good at doing much of anything. With the exception of the military. Which, by the way, is Constitutional.
  3. Got 'em! [Hidden Content]
  4. More! [Hidden Content]
  5. True, the government should not be funding abortuaries!
  6. Beginning to look more and more like a setup! [Hidden Content]
  7. Let's see: You love the jobs destroyers (the government) but yet you hate the job creators (the private sector). Seems a bit upside down to me.
  8. If the Republicans do not repeal obamacare then I'll have a lot to say about that. We don't need obamacare lite!
  9. Natalia Veselnitskaya's Visa was signed by Loretta Lynch. Plus she was allowed to stay after her Visa had expired. And she's pictured hanging around obama officials. If I remember right, this situation with Trump Jr supposedly happen in the summer of 2016. At that time Hillarious was suppose to win. So, more of a "nothing burger." The commies can't get Trump so they go after another false narrative concerning his son and will also find nothing there! SMH!!
  10. Reagan


    A bully to a liberal is when you don't see things their way!
  11. You noticed that tobie did not address what the "person of interest" was doing with the obama people.
  12. And now another 8 days later. [Hidden Content]
  13. Lame stream media! LOL!!
  14. At the heart is Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya appearing 5 days after the supposed dreaded meeting with Trump Jr, appearing with obama officials. Hummmm! [Hidden Content]
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. WHAT?! [Hidden Content]
  19. CNN hemorrhaging viewers. When ones whole premise is based on a lie, one ends up getting what they deserve! [Hidden Content]
  20. All we need to know about Jimma is that he supported Bernie Sanders for Pres. Jimma is and was a socialist. That's why a good American (Reagan) destroyed him in his reelection bid.
  21. So says the author of the Constitution. [Hidden Content]
  22. They forgot to add the gasoline lines. Or did you know about that?
  23. [Hidden Content]
  24. Yes. I think that's his traveling attire!
  25. [Hidden Content]
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