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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Remember, when they bring this up that means they have nothing else. That's good for us!
  3. Yes, socialism is always good for those receiving. SMH!
  4. From the article: "CNN incurred a significant decrease in TV viewers in June as the month progressed thanks in large part to President Trump pointing out their media bias and false reporting, FOX News on the other hand, had TV viewership that was up from May with 1.705 million total viewers daily per hour average and 2.647 viewers during prime time for an increase of roughly 20%." The lame stream media is just so use to politicians rolling over and taking it. They are still not sure what hit them. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. What CNN did may have been a crime. [Hidden Content]
  7. BigGirl -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  8. True. He's playing them! And they do not even have the sense to realize it. I say it's about time someone turns the tables on them.
  9. tobie -- if people don't pay for their own health insurance in some form or the other, and they get insurance, then who pays for it?
  10. From the article: " The republican crew is beginning what will be an EXTREMELY thorough investigation into Obama’s influence in politics in foreign countries. Mind you, the money that was spent by Obama overseas was all done so with hardworking taxpayer’s money… and not to mention done through George Soros’ USAID organization." Wait a minute! Stop the presses! obama got involved in other country's elections? And it appears that he was using taxpayer money to do it. I'm shocked! Not really! [Hidden Content]
  11. Festival canceled to "rape" epidemic! BigGirl -- again, what say you?? [Hidden Content]
  12. What so far has given you the impression that Trump is going to be a wimp like obama was?
  13. Since they have the money then they could go anywhere they want. They choose America because we have a great health care system. That's why we need to immediately repeal obamacare and get back to what made American health care great. And that is let capitalism take care of it. It's worked so far!
  14. Any wonder they are losing the battle? LOL!!
  15. From the article: "Reports claimed that men, largely described as being of “foreign origin”, had sexually molested to 40 girls at the festival." BigGirl -- care to guess who the "foreign origin" might be?? [Hidden Content]
  16. After socialized medicine set this child on a death spiral, President Trump said, America will help. Any one of our liberal friends here notice that people do not go to England or Canada for health care? People come to America. Why?? [Hidden Content]
  17. But -- as usual -- a democrat is balking! Looks like the slimy tentacles of anti-American Soros is at it again. [Hidden Content]
  18. So says the welfare lady:
  19. The "fake news" complex is collapsing! [Hidden Content]
  20. The wisdom of Mark Levin:
  21. Media snowflakes melting! [Hidden Content]
  22. I saw the parody. Although you started the topic, apparently you haven't seen it.
  23. I just seen it. Your title is "fake news!" Didn't happen!
  24. Yes, unfortunately, one can do a lot of damage in 8 years. Remember his famous Un-American quote: "we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." Why would you want to "fundamentally change" something you love? [Hidden Content]
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