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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just heard that President Trump is considering what I've been advocating for years doing: He's talking about eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy. The Dept. of Education was a payoff to the teachers unions for their delegate support when he was running for President. The budget I heard was 50 BILLION dollars. They have around 4,500 employees making around 105,000 dollars each. The Constitution does not allow for this. Each State has an Educational Department. It's supposed to be a State and local situation. The Department of Energy was originally to get us off of foreign oil. That never happened. So, again, not needed. It's grown to an enormous size. No doubt giving good jobs at taxpayer expense, again.
  2. Trump WON because your guy was NOT succeeding. Got that?!
  3. Well, maybe you will! [Hidden Content]
  4. With all the problems obama left President Trump this is what concerns you?
  5. When obama wanted this passed, they duped the public into thinking that Congress would also be under them sham. Originally they were included. Once passed, obama exempted Congress from obamacare. That right there should have opened the flocks eyes. Any way, Trump should rescind that exemption and let's see what happens!! [Hidden Content]
  6. Nederland only showed 5 and Central 6. Sounds like somebody's trying to pull some wool!
  7. Typical lib-tard. Says one thing and does another! [Hidden Content]
  8. Hummmm!! This judge says President Trump has the right to do it! [Hidden Content]
  9. Has Barrow talked Delbert Spell into staying? Also, has Barrow finished filling out his staff?
  10. CNN caught faking another "live" interview! [Hidden Content]
  11. Inflation at 741%. Plus currency collapse! SMH!!
  12. Now tell me again -- which is the honest party? [Hidden Content]
  13. To replace obamacare, President Trump needs to work with the conservatives, not the RINO's! [Hidden Content]
  14. Hope that it goes bad? It's going bad. It's imploding. Can't sustain itself. Because in Socialism, you pretty soon run out of other people's money.
  15. He didn't say for Government to go and force people to do it either!
  16. No it's not. The President, under the Constitution, has the the right to dictate immigration. Supreme Court in the past has already ruled that fact. Just because 3 commie judges put their personal opinions above the law doesn't mean President Trump was wrong!
  17. From Rush Limbaugh, "Not only was there surveillance of the Trump campaign, not only was there surveillance by the Obama administration on the Trump transition, the media knew about it and was using the information they were being given from this surveillance in order to embarrass, humiliate, rip, criticize, Trump and his upcoming administration. The media was in on this!
  18. This is what happens when you have unfettered immigration!
  19. People aren't showing up because of what the press box looks like? Interesting!
  20. Why would repealing a disaster be irresponsible? It's imploding! I'll be questioning my Representatives about why we were only concerned with replacing and not repealing this disaster.
  21. You brought up Thompson. I made a logical statement based on "facts" concerning Hooks' record. Now, if your point was to compare Hooks and Neauman's record then we can do that also.
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