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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. More stupidity from turbin Durbin! [Hidden Content]
  2. Every time I turn on the Gorsuch grilling, I heard this: 1st: From loonie Senator D. Feinstein, she said, if we stick to the original intent of the Constitution then Sodomites would not have become normal behavior. 2nd: A couple of hours later I turn to it again and Senator turbin Durbin said, what about Sodomites? I turned the channel. Jesus, no wonder these people keep losing!
  3. Don't do Target, Kelloggs and Starbucks!
  4. 3 out 3 (Bulldogfan says Kettler was there in 1960) out-right District Championships and 1 State Title. Yes, you have to tip your hat to Mr. Mckenzie. Impressive in anybody's book!
  5. Again -- this town is ran by liberals. [Hidden Content]
  6. Reagan


    How about you stop trying to act like you are objective! Just stating an observation that you are an far-left obamaite.
  7. You made the words appear to be derogatory. Which they are not. .
  8. 1st: Neauman being the best hire Ned ever made. Well, I'm sure Emmit McKensie and Bum Philips would have something to say about that. But, Neauman did do a good job. 2nd: Derouen had Ned going in the right direction: 3-6-1, 2-8-0, 4-6-0, 3-6-1, 3-6-0, 4-4-1. Well, maybe. 3rd: Comparison to a smitty; If I remember right, it was that he/she had a problem with one of the coaches. And it wasn't Neauman or Barrow. Man -- batting a thousand. :<)
  9. People know what "Home Cooking" is and it's NOT derogatory. So don't even try to make it such.
  10. That's the first thing I ever said about him! LOL!!
  11. Lame stream media ignores Gorsuch hearings. [Hidden Content] But -- Flashback: Lame stream media advocated for obama's Supreme Court picks. Hummm. Fair and balanced? [Hidden Content]
  12. I have an answer to the Hawaiian judge: The next 100,000 muslim immigrants should all be dumped in Hawaii. Then let's see how much support he gets from the locals!! Trump -- you listening?!
  13. Reagan


    LOL! PAM -- stop trying to act like you are not a far left snowflake! SMH!
  14. 1st bold: Your opinion is good as anybody's. 2nd bold: Wrong! I/we actually hope he goes 10-0 and district champs. 3rd bold: Again -- WRONG! Where the home cookers are confused -- it's nothing personal.
  15. If I'm not mistaken, there were only five who applied? I doubt we got the whole list. But, from what I saw, wasn't totally impressed with any of them. But, pressed for an answer, personally, I would have leaned toward the DC from Katy.
  16. First, we don't know who all applied. OR -- who may have expressed an interest but didn't officially apply. But, my point was did we explore all possibilities? Did we try and make contacts around the state? I said originally: Don't rush. Go out and find the best available. At this point, I'm not sure this was done. I'm still concerned about what was stated about the Superintendent not caring about sports. If this is the case, then, no, an exhausted search was not done.
  17. Recognizing someone might have been better out there is miserable? Either I don't understand the word or you might need to Google it!
  18. How about if he starts to put people back to work instead of increasing the welfare rolls, will you give him credit for that also?
  19. The left has been cranking out fake news, that debate was over long ago, that they think that's normal and everyone does it!
  20. I have noticed on this forum we tend to blame the kids an awful lot. Through his 6 years he never had the talent once?! But, again, good coaches find a way.
  21. After reading this, I'm sure you'll agree that it can! [Hidden Content]
  22. Tell us what's good about Venezuela since socialism has taken a stranglehold. [Hidden Content]
  23. True. And it ended up proving that he couldn't. You are right, there are no guarantees. But, you don't shoot yourself in the foot right before you run the 100 yard dash and think you are going to win it. Derouen did GREAT under Neauman? Debatable. Anyway, I'm trying to make a correlation here that history might repeat itself. Home cooking rather than other things considered may not work out.
  24. Westend -- you do realize that protecting America at home and abroad is Constitutional?! The President has the power to do what he's trying to do. These commie Judges are playing politics and that's why Congress needs to get rid of them.
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