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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Typical liberal philosophy. Blame something or somebody else. The problem here? IT'S CALLED LYING!! [Hidden Content]
  2. I've learned long ago that when this is done -- they have nothing else!
  3. Quote from Rush Limbaugh: "Could Donald Trump be the end of CNN? What a legacy that would be."
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Yes -- he believes in the upholding the Constitution. We need more -- not less! The Constitution to liberals is like the Cross to Dracula!
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. Where are the women??!! [Hidden Content]
  8. A CNN producer caught on tape admitting to "fake news!" [Hidden Content]
  9. WOW!! It was a 9-0 decision!!
  10. Proof?
  11. Why do they have lawyers? Trump's lawyer has a lawyer. This is going to get interesting. Public agrees on main stream media's "fake news." [Hidden Content] Plus more "fake news." [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Not a single question about the investigation! Oh, but the media's not biased! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  14. Now we know why the commie-libs are against voter ID! [Hidden Content]
  15. True, Russia interfered in the elections while obama was President and did NOTHING! This was NEVER about Trump and Russia. People are starting to realize this!
  16. Again, Trump's tweet, "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" So -- BigGirl -- where is the lie? We'll wait!
  17. Dang -- you are admitting you are full of it. There are miracles after all! : < )
  18. ... is under investigation for bank fraud! [Hidden Content]
  19. I'm glad you finally realize it!
  20. Poor lib-tard media! [Hidden Content]
  21. Remember -- the Russians did hack into our elections. And it was under YOUR guy's watch! This is why the lib-tards are trying to tie Trump to it. It's squarely in obama's court! I think every/any honest person is starting to realize this!
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