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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Not a single question about the investigation! Oh, but the media's not biased! LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  2. Now we know why the commie-libs are against voter ID! [Hidden Content]
  3. True, Russia interfered in the elections while obama was President and did NOTHING! This was NEVER about Trump and Russia. People are starting to realize this!
  4. Again, Trump's tweet, "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" So -- BigGirl -- where is the lie? We'll wait!
  5. Dang -- you are admitting you are full of it. There are miracles after all! : < )
  6. ... is under investigation for bank fraud! [Hidden Content]
  7. I'm glad you finally realize it!
  8. Poor lib-tard media! [Hidden Content]
  9. Remember -- the Russians did hack into our elections. And it was under YOUR guy's watch! This is why the lib-tards are trying to tie Trump to it. It's squarely in obama's court! I think every/any honest person is starting to realize this!
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Somebody's lying!
  12. Unfortunately, that equals dead people! Unfortunately, again, Europe has no one to blame but themselves! [Hidden Content]
  13. I wonder how many of those are healthy and can work?
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I've heard that Mueller's set to make a minimum of 10 MILLION dollars of this fishing expedition!
  16. Conservatives = Constitution. Liberals = Mental Illness.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. Crickets from BigGirl!
  19. Dimms embarrassed again! I understand this clown got 90% of his money from outside the district. BTW, a district, I also understand, he didn't even live in! [Hidden Content] I guess it's true! The man could not even vote for himself in the election. SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  20. I heard Jay Sekalow a few days ago and he said the Washington Post reported from 5 "un-named" sources from 5 "un-named" agencies that Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. Still running fake news! Even Comey said he wasn't under investigation. Sad!
  21. I remember this! [Hidden Content]
  22. Thought you may told someone obama was a good President and this is what happened. LOL!!
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