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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. 60% of people in France don't feel safe anywhere. Hey, Westend, is it because of an influx of Baptist into France? Or something else? [Hidden Content]
  2. And the evidence just keeps on rolling in. Westend -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  3. Did Neauman resign/retire because their wasn't actual support for sports from the Superintendent?
  4. Personally tapped his phones? No. But, did his administration do it? I think so. Had to. If not, suppose you tell us how they got the conversation between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador? This was done in Flynn's office in Trump Tower. Help us out here!
  5. Just heard Congressman Louie Gohmert talk about these two rouge Judges. He said they are working on legislation to strip these US District Judges from being able to rule on immigration. Congress has always had the right to do stuff like this. He also said they will consider impeaching these two Judges. Congress has to. We can't allow this to continue to happen. These Judges take a oath to uphold the Constitution. When they start to let personal feelings dictate their outcomes, this must be an impeachable offense!
  6. Why didn't you mention this Maryland Judge was also appointed by obama? WHY do you think these courts were chosen??
  7. Over 6 years, home cooking Derouen went 19-36-3. Never won more than 4 games during this time. Why is this apropos? Along with being home cooking, people at the time thought since Derouen coached with Ronnie Thompson that he would/could do the same at Nederland that Thompson had done. Heck, he even ran the same offense that Thompson ran. Well, didn't turn out so good. Point? Are we looking at the future? All we got is hope. Because, just like Derouen, there wasn't any evidence that he could do what Thompson did. We are in the same situation. Only time will tell. PS -- didn't someone here say the Superintendent wasn't really interested in sports? If so, this might answer a lot of questions. More on this later.
  8. You talking about those being paid to be outraged. Come on, Blue, you don't seriously think these are spontaneous concerns!?
  9. Just curious: How many times did Derouen and August beat PN-G?
  10. These punks should be immediately deported. Again -- what do muslims have in common with Australians? Why are they there?? [Hidden Content]
  11. Andrew Jackson took care of the judiciary! [Hidden Content]
  12. Just heard on Lou Dobb's program that this Hawaii judge was not only appointed by obama he was ALSO a classmate of obama at Harvard! Again -- doesn't pass the smell test. Seriously, we need to start impeaching these people. It's one thing for anyone to disagree with a ruling that is based on fact and law. But, when it's clearly political, then these judges are abusing their power. Then, yes, we must impeach. Trust me, it'll only take a few. Then once they all see we are serious, then they, if they are smart enough, will fall in line and only interpret the law.
  13. Then you should get on board. Trump is not a politician. He may be trying to do the right thing by trying to get our budget under control. We can't continue with 20 Trillion dollars in debt. Agree?
  14. He was one of obama's appointees. It's called judge shopping. I know the last one was appointed by Bush. I thought that strange because Bush was pretty good with judges. But this guy was a liberal. Sometimes when a President needs something from a Senator from the other side, well, they make a deal. Such as with Patty Murray, Senator from Washington. Bush needed something and this was a way to get her vote.
  15. From the song: “Blame it all on our roots, we never wore boots, we never once played in the streets. Feel very bitter, got news off of Twitter, we just can’t handle defeat. I got friends in safe spaces, if you don’t go with us then you must be racist, that’s our catch phase. Where’s our latte?”
  16. I just got a confirmation awhile ago that the Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution does not apply to non-citizens outside the US. Therefore, again, these judges should know this. Therefore they should be impeached! Of the three equal branches, the founding fathers made the judiciary the least. But -- they sure don't act like it. They need to be brought back to reality! And fast!
  17. Since when does the Bill Of Rights extend to non-citizens outside the United States?? Again, these politically-minded judges need to be held accountable! [Hidden Content]
  18. In, I beleive it was, 1952, the Supreme Court said the president had the right to deport any Communist from the U.S. This was to protect Americans. So -- President Trump has the right to do what he needs to do to protect Americans. These judges should know this ruling by the Supreme Court. So, again, if judges are ruling based on politics and not upholding their Constitutional duties, then they should be removed. If I don't do my job then I get fired. No difference there! [Hidden Content]
  19. Remember -- the left is supposed to be known for their compassion! Yeah, right! LOL!!
  20. tobie, again, you might be a bit confused. We wanted obama's policies to fail. Remember, 5 days before the election obama said, "join me: we will fundamentally change America." Not something a pro-American Constitutionalist would say. He was a socialist. His early mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist. His pastor was a full blown racist. So, what Trump policies do you disagree with?
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