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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This guy WILL win!
  2. There's no future for those being on the side that disrespects America and the flag. The NFL Commish might well heed this advice. Did he not see the empty seats in SF last Thursday? Overall viewership is down. But -- AGAIN -- the Libtards are on the wrong side of an issue. Imagine that!
  3. Will they play a makeup game during both their bye week of Oct. 27th?
  4. ????????????????????????????????????????????
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. They've another step into the non-return territory! [Hidden Content]
  9. There's no way Vidor should have beaten PAM last year. But they did. Anything can happen!
  10. Top 10 communist front groups trying to destroy America. [Hidden Content]
  11. For obamacare user! [Hidden Content]
  12. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  13. Considering what has happened in other parts of Texas, I hope all in this area fared well.
  14. They are paid "anarchist!" We need to find out who's paying them and deal severely with that situation. Seems like they should be at work. Or -- is this their jobs? Why do they hide their faces? If you are battling a true cause, seems like you would want the world to know that it's you that is fighting for the cause.
  15. He's not only mentally ill, he's now physically ill! What a moron!
  16. Txhoops -- here's your global warming comrade in arms hero! [Hidden Content]
  17. Here's some more. BigGirl -- what say you? [Hidden Content]
  18. And let's not forget tobie's, BigGirls, and Txhoops favorite man obama: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  19. obama administration went after him because he wouldn't break the law like obama wanted him to do. He was trying to uphold immigration laws!
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