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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. All it took was desire and an ADULT in charge! Keep on falling! [Hidden Content]
  2. I said if I made it sound like... So it seems like you don't understand how the English language works.
  3. The snake Soros is at it again.
  4. But -- one must ask: Are they in for the cause or because they can drain the funds through high salaries?? [Hidden Content]
  5. More the commie women's march can be proud of! [Hidden Content]
  6. All it took was a pro-American doing the right thing! [Hidden Content]
  7. Another confused liberal, commie clown. Hypocrisy is a son-of-a-gun!! [Hidden Content]
  8. This was nothing more than an anti-Trump protest. Wonder who funded it? Anyway, there were not any pro-life women there. Not any Republican women there. Nothing but a bunch of angry commies! Personally, I would have fired every one of them, especially if they worked for me. If the business they worked at didn't miss a beat while they were gone, then they are are not needed. Fire them!
  9. Not sure what your answer has to do with the comment!
  10. I was a little concerned that not much had changed. But listening to Newt Gingrich he said it's about a 5 step process. Those who have concerns will be able to voice them somewhere along the way. Excellent!
  11. If I made it sound like a face to face meeting, it was not. It was a call between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador that was wiretapped. Flynn had an office inside trump Tower. So, yes, there were wiretaps inside Trump tower.
  12. Westend, answer me this: The leak (probably by an obama sycophant and a felony) concerning the meeting between Flynn and the russian ambassador, were was this wiretap done?? We'll wait for your answer!
  13. OK, I'll be PC and say these poor little misunderstood migrants are Baptist from Dodge City, Kansas! Hey, Libs, does this make you feel better even when a lie is being told?!
  14. Remember -- obama's early mentor was a COMMUNIST named Frank Marshall Davis! [Hidden Content]
  15. Then the NY Times does this! [Hidden Content]
  16. So, Blue -- obama, lied, among other times, when he said you can keep your doctor and keep your insurance under obumercare!!
  17. Mark Levin sends a scorching email to CNN's Brian Stelter over their dishonesty covering "Obamagate." [Hidden Content]
  18. Ex-Secret Service agent states there's a third possibility concerning the wiretaps at Trump Tower! Which could eventually lead to this to be known as "Obamagate!" [Hidden Content]
  19. But now they say Trump lacks evidence of such. Amazing! Anyway, remember why Michael Flynn had to resign? It was because of a leak (a felony!) to the Washington Post. It was a leak of a wiretap between Flynn and the Russian Ambassador. Let me ask our liberal friends: Where did this meeting take place?? It was in the Trump Towers!! So -- the wiretap was in the Trump Towers just like President Trump stated! Right?!?! Seems pretty straight forward to an HONEST person! [Hidden Content]
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