From the article: "The union is known for its strong support for Democratic candidates. It spent $28 million supporting Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. In 2012, SEIU was the top outside spender on Democratic campaigns, reporting almost $70 million of campaign donations, television ads and get-out-the-vote efforts in support of President Obama and other Democrats.[3] SEIU is a major supporter of the Affordable Care Act[4] and of increased minimum wage laws, including wage increases for fast food workers.[5][6] The union is the primary backer of the Fight for $15."
If I dug deeper into this union, and probably many more, a lot of obama's "stimulus money" (Taxpayer Money!) went to unions, especially SEIU, that turned right around and went right back into the Democratic coffers. Not sure if this happened with public unions or not. But -- knowing how sorry obama was, it probably did happen some where along the way.
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