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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. ...and how the Left is trying to mislead on the Trump wiretaps! [Hidden Content]
  2. Who's the boss of the Attorney General?? Like he would do anything without his boss' consent or demand! PS - Did you watch the Mark Levin video? If you are REALLY interested in the truth, you will watch it!
  3. Enough said. Dan Rather It is understandable that Donald Trump’s twitter attack on President Obama early this morning would immediately be consumed by the churning political hurricane that is America today. The deepening divisions that are pulling at the fabric of our nation are on raw display. On one side we see understandable outrage, with many questioning the mental fitness of our Commander and Chief. On the other side we see Trump’s allies rallying under their shared hatred of our previous President. Perhaps it is my age or experience, but I feel no schadenfreude or eagerness to say, “I told you so.” I feel only a deep and abiding sadness. This is my country that I love with all my heart. We are a weakened nation, in our own estimation, and that of the world. If this was happening in some distant land, we would shake our heads and thank our lucky stars that we are Americans. But this nightmare is happening here, and we have no choice but to confront that disorientating truth. My reporter’s instincts make me wonder at Trump’s actions. It has the feeling of a classic smokescreen. What is he hiding? Is this a kind of trap? Does he have something he is about to drop? Or does he know something else is about to drop on him and his administration, which is facing a withering crescendo of scandal? We must carefully separate what we know to be true, from what we think to be true, from what we do not yet know. And in the early days of a story like this, what we do not know will far outpace the other two. We do know that there were numerous contacts between close aids to Donald Trump and senior Russian officials at a time when all indications point that the Kremlin was actively trying to undermine the integrity of our election. What we don’t know is what these discussions were about. We do not know what is in Mr. Trump’s tax returns, which he seems so hell bent on hiding. We do now know all the other suggestions of links between Mr. Trump and people close to him and Russia. And then, of course, we do not know what else there is to know. It is long past time that we have a complete and independent bipartisan investigation, especially since the director of the FBI is under such a cloud of political manipulation. Now is the time to breathe the cool winds of impartiality and facts. We need statesmen of steady head and temperament, willing to put country ahead of politics. We cannot afford for our democratic institutions to be consumed by a bonfire of lies, innuendos, and conspiracy theories. We can all work ourselves into fervers of indignation. But the only antidote to these deep and understandable anxieties is the truth. We are the people of the United States. Our great nation is in a perilous moment, and the world is watching with great unease. We want the truth. We demand the truth. We can handle the truth. Dan Blather? Are you serious?
  4. Here ya go, PAM. If you are REALLY interested! [Hidden Content]
  5. First, Trump would not have let that out if he didn't have something. Second, this is for you to tell us why this happened: Since 1980, and 8 years of obama. all wiretap info was funneled to one organization. They looked at it then funneled it to the appropriate agencies. But -- on January 23, 2017, 7 days before Trump's inauguration, obama changed the rules and when wiretap info came in it automatically went to "16" different agencies. Seems pretty shady to me! But, can you explain why? Anyway, here is obama's response to Trump:, " “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen,” the statement said. " The key word is "ordered." That's a cop-out statement when you want to continue to fool the people. PS -- we know obama went to the FISA courts twice.
  6. Liberal and Logic is an oxymoron!
  7. What, the muslims aren't going to Sweden to assimilate in Sweden society and be good Swedes? [Hidden Content]
  8. Sure they are! sharpton, j. jackson, obama, MS obama, etc, etc...
  9. No he did not. The question to him was: Did you meet the the Russian Ambassador and talk about the 2016 elections. Sessions answered NO! Could he elaborated a little more? Sure. But did he need to? No. The libs knew Sessions was involved in the Trump campaign. So -- the point of the whole questioning was whether the Russians were involved in the 2016 elections. Again, Sessions answered correctly! If you are really seeking the truth -- look it up!
  10. One way we possibly stop this is to hold States and maybe counties responsible. Sue them! [Hidden Content]
  11. WOW, PAM, the Senate minority leader MUST be guilty of something. He's meeting with that awful Putin!! [Hidden Content]
  12. With Sessions, like Ted Cruz said -- it's a nothingburger! Sessions did nothing wrong. It's the left making up stuff again. If you don't think so, show us what you got of his ACTUAL wrong doing!!
  13. LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  14. WHAT?! The which hunt is backfiring??
  15. Actually it's the NAA(L)CP!
  16. What if we make those on welfare take these jobs you are talking about?
  17. Pretty nice sign this guy is holding. And, shouldn't he be at work? Manufactured outrage is actually a funny thing! [Hidden Content]
  18. Remember -- perez picked ellison as Deputy Chief!
  19. The question -- again -- is WHY?? Why is it ALWAYS on one side?? [Hidden Content]
  20. Harpo, Warren, Sanders, Al Franken -- can it get any better than this? LOL!! [Hidden Content]
  21. America once had to bring in the national guard in so that four little black girls could attend school. You folks act as though whites and republicans have always done the right thing Where was this?
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