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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Looks good so far! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. A Spell on offense and a Spell on defense. Interesting! Anything else you hearing? Thanks for the info!
  5. Didn't obama stop the work requirement for something along these lines?
  6. Thoughts?! [Hidden Content]
  7. Salient question is: Why do illegals get food stamps? Or, for that matter, any type of welfare? Again -- not what I pay taxes for!! [Hidden Content]
  8. tobie -- do you even read the post or you just regurgitating the talking points? SMH!
  9. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  10. True! But they would have to break years of just wanting to sit around and sing Kumbayah! You know, I'm good, your good, we are all good.
  11. Once this was shown, they needed to round up all involved and sent to Syria. Or, Saudi Arabia and let them administer their brand of justice! It's time to stop being nice!
  12. Remember -- b. HUSSEIN obama's idea of compassion was to see how many he could put on welfare.
  13. The 9th Circuit Court judges say they are humiliated when having to enforce the law. This alone should cause them to be impeached!! [Hidden Content]
  14. Uh -- no she wasn't! Comey said she was guilty as sin. That's when he broke FBI rules and made a decision that was left up to the Attorney General.
  15. We'll give you a chance here: When, so far, has Wikileaks been wrong? We'll wait!
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Pretty good for a Socialist on a Senator's salary! [Hidden Content]
  18. It's amazing that basically a lot of these same countries in this Paris Redistribution Of Wealth Accord (Again -- not anything to do with global warming) say they can't really do anything about terrorism. But -- they actually think they can, or want to make you think they can, reduce the earth's temperature! Laughingly amazing!!
  19. It's amazing how when President rightfully pulled America out of the "Paris Redistribution Of Wealth Accord" (it had nothing to do with global warming!), the the lunatic Hollywood crowd started to foam at the mouth and their collective heads started to explode. It was actually embarrassing to watch. But -- concerning the tragic terrorist attack in London -- S I L E N C E!!!! Nothing from the Hollywood idiots!! Really sad!!
  20. From the article: "The union is known for its strong support for Democratic candidates. It spent $28 million supporting Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. In 2012, SEIU was the top outside spender on Democratic campaigns, reporting almost $70 million of campaign donations, television ads and get-out-the-vote efforts in support of President Obama and other Democrats.[3] SEIU is a major supporter of the Affordable Care Act[4] and of increased minimum wage laws, including wage increases for fast food workers.[5][6] The union is the primary backer of the Fight for $15." If I dug deeper into this union, and probably many more, a lot of obama's "stimulus money" (Taxpayer Money!) went to unions, especially SEIU, that turned right around and went right back into the Democratic coffers. Not sure if this happened with public unions or not. But -- knowing how sorry obama was, it probably did happen some where along the way. [Hidden Content]
  21. Greedy Bernie! But -- the socialist mantra is: Socialism for the people -- NOT the Socialist!! [Hidden Content]
  22. President Reagan once said, " "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid!"
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