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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. I think it's time. Especially the 9th Circuit. They have been overturned between 80 and 90%. Meaning they do not follow the Constitution. It's all political. If this is the case -- why have it?! [Hidden Content]
  2. NOAA cheated and got caught! [Hidden Content]
  3. One thing's for sure: He knows about failure!
  4. You have proof the video is fake? If so, let this forum in on it.
  5. I would not be apposed to turning all liberal Democratic counties in America over to sharia law. Let's see how the American women in those counties like it!
  6. Lord have mercy! Future Democrats! Just like the Dems now -- they do not have a clue. And what's sad, the public schools these snowflakes are attending are promoting this. SAD!
  7. They must run around calling each other "fake news." Because blacks call themselves the "N' word all the time!
  8. They are/were both members of a Baptist church in Houston. So -- again -- what was your point?
  9. The first one: The same commie rag known as the NY Times that you quoted stated this headline: "Why Corporations Are Helping Donald Trump Lie About Jobs." Seriously?? SMH! The second one: Where is the lie? In Dec, consumer confidence did rise on Trump's election. Since the election check out the stock market. We now have a capitalistic adult and not a "red diaper doper baby' in office!
  10. #TrumpLiesMatter: Mr. Trump said Sprint’s top executive had told him the company would add 5,000 jobs “because of what’s happening and the spirit and the hope.” #TrumpLiesMatter: The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Yeah, like "you can keep your doctor and your premiums will go down." LOL!!
  11. Liberals hate the name "Patriots!" Clear and simple!
  12. Not sure what this has to do with the subject, but I'll bite. Where's your proof?
  13. Good read! [Hidden Content]
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