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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Just saw that Trump is +9.26 points over the insane cackler in the popular vote. As expected, doing worst than Joebama would have done. Even a much bigger landslide!! Too Big To Rig!
  2. Trump did it as a business man! You have to grease the skids! Heck, I’d donate to her now if would help her win the nomination. I can see the insane cackled going down in flames. Just like Walter Mundale! 😁😁 Too Big To Rig!!
  3. Worried about what? The insane cackled?! Although Pelosi just endorsed her, she originally said the cackler’s worst than Joebama. Did you see the approval ratings I posted? She’s the only politician in America that has a lower approval rating than JoeBama. BOTH are worst that Trump. So, no, Trump is not worrying — he’s laughing all the way to the bank! Trump 2024 — Too Big To Rig!!
  4. I've asked you many times to give us your opninion, unless you know for sure, what Biden's problem is. We are all ears. Or eyes as it is here! (Grin)
  5. I've stated before that I think it'll eventually be Hillarious Clintonista. I'm hearing the buzz that at the Dem's Convention, they will nominate Hillarious. Now a couple of interesting questions: What will it take for Kamalina to go away?! Next, how will the black population react to dumping on a black female for an old worn out white woman?! @Big girl Thoughts?!
  6. Or is it fake?!
  7. The Dems will allow Manchin to win the Dem nomination. They have it rigged. Just like when Hillarious ran. They wouldn't allow Bernie Sanders to gain the nomination. Just like this year, they wouldn't allow RFK, Jr to fairly compete. Manchin left the party. They won't forget that. Plus he's too conservative. Are they pushing/rigging for Kamalina? Or, do they have some other socialist in mind? Either way, no one will have enough time to mount an effective campaign. But, they have no one to blame but themselves. The Dem party made what is nothing less than a coup against their own party. [Hidden Content]
  8. Just heard that Joe Manchin might reregister as a Democrat and throw his hat into the ring. 🤷‍♂️
  9. The only politician in America right now with a lower approval rating than Joebama is Kamalina. Joebama is at 39%. Kamalina is at 38%. President Trump is at 43%.
  10. Heck, Yobama won't even endorse her. Why? Because even he knows it's gonna be a total wipeout. So, not so sure she's gonna be the nominee! Gonna be interesting and fun!
  11. Trump will hang JoeBama around Kamalina's neck. The faces are interchangeable. Two peas in a pod. Landslide!! Maybe worst. LOL!! Trump 2024 -- Too Big To Rig!
  12. So, Kamalina will be the DEI nominee?!
  13. Yobama has not endorsed her. He knows how bad it's gonna be. This is gonna be fun! PS -- Just saw Pelosi does not endorse her either!
  14. Hillary, Hillary!! If they bypass the insane cackler, then they are going to have to appease the blacks some how. Otherwise there’ll be a revolt. So — I’m saying: Hillary and Big Mike!!
  15. Feds keep changing their story. The truth only has one side. So... [Hidden Content]
  16. Trump said nobody warned him. So, stupidity or on purpose? [Hidden Content]
  17. Huummmm!!
  18. It is being reported that the Dims want Hillarious Clintonista to swoop in at the National Convention and be the Dims nominee! But -- will JoeBama allow it? But, But -- will blacks allow Kamalina to be passed over for a white woman?! I would shout from the mountain top how racist the Dims are. And then have Gruesome Newsome there also. Folks, you can't make this stuff up!
  19. From Klein's website: "Well, surprise kids, Kenneth Williams, the city manager of Beaumont, got his feet held to the fire, and just like that he did a 360 after learning there was a movement to remove him from his seat. All over? Well, the Beaumont Police Department chief’s job. And that was enough to send tongues wagging over at the police station as Williams is said to be putting up the local candidate which will swing the vote to 4-3 in favor of the “local candidate.” And if it goes like we are told, Jason Plunkett will be the new police chief of Beaumont, Texas, on August 1, 2024."
  20. This clown was seen 30 minutes prior to Trump taking the stage. SS protocol states that they never should let Trump on the stage. Or as it's actually stated "out of the holding area". Incompetence? On purpose? Either way it almost got a man killed. So, why hasn't anyone resigned or be fired?! PS -- there's talk of someone on the water tower. PSS -- why no drones scouting the area?
  21. I've seen talk that he wasn't the shooter. Then I've seen that there was also another shooter along with this snot-bubble blowing punk. Thoughts?!
  22. DNC Rules Committee Outlines New Voting Process — Will Move to Virtual Roll Call to Nominate Joe Biden in Order to Prevent Embarrassing Public Display! [Hidden Content]
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