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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Again, this special counsel will, in the end, prove Trump right. But, I got to thinking: what will the left use to keep their mind-numbed robots in line and in the dark? I think back to to the response by Cobert's audience when he told them Comey had been fired. And HUGH applauds and cheering broke out. Now, these could have been all conservatives. Well, probably not. You see, up until the end they were being program to think Comey was evil. But, when Cobert told them the news they didn't have time to get the memo that Comey is now good. So, if the left changes tactics then they are going to have to be quicker with the next false narrative. So, what could that be: It could be that they just "change the name." You know, like the commie-libs had to change the false narrative on global warming. Remember, in the 70's it was global cooling. That didn't scare the people so they changed to global warming. That didn't scare the people so now it's climate change. So, now, once the false narrative through "un-named" sources, is shown to be a lie, will they just "change the name?" What could Russia-Trump election collusion be changed to? Let's help our fellow liberals out and come up some new names for their on-going false narrative. It won't have to that good to fake out their mind-numbed audience.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. I will be sending these questions to Senator Ted Cruz to ask Comey at the next available opportunity!
  4. Actually, President Trump hasn't done anything. People run with "fake news." You tell a lie long enough it becomes reality. The "fake news" types throws out accusations and then says it's from "unnamed" sources. Really a shame! As liberal lawyer Allan Dershowitz said: a special prosecutor will help President Trump!
  5. Yes, please explain to us what you mean by corporate welfare!
  6. Liberalism = Socialism! [Hidden Content]
  7. What -- no reply??
  8. Governor "Moon Beam" from from California has this to say to those that do not like massive tax increases: "the Governor had some harsh words for the voters as well. You don’t want to pay up? Stop being a bunch of freeloaders." Come on "freeloaders", don't you know it's not your money?! It's the government's money! [Hidden Content]
  9. Of course they won't find anything. There's NOTHING there. It's all politics.
  10. Nice source Rush is pretty accurate! One can't stay on the air since 1988 and give out false info.
  11. Since this is a forum for discussion, I figured we could have the insiders fill us in. And -- since you appear to know where to go to get the answers, please, fill the forum in on what you have found out. The forum would greatly appreciate it.
  12. This time it's in the truck of their car! [Hidden Content]
  13. "By placing the server in an unsecure location broke the law" It was answered in the text you questioned. And Comey said she was guilty as sin. Then Comey broke FBI rules by by playing Attorney General when he said no one would take this up and prosecute. Not his position to determine this. His position was to lay out the facts. And he did: She was guilty.
  14. obama actually did what Trump is accused of doing! [Hidden Content]
  15. We know for a fact that Hillary did. By placing the server in an unsecure location broke the law. Now, tell us for a fact what laws did Trump break?
  16. You do realize Hillary actually broke some laws in the email scandal? Or does this not bother you since she shares your leftest philosophy?
  17. Gowdy to the NY Times: "show me the memo!" [Hidden Content]
  18. What, no info from the Nederland insiders? Any info would be appreciated.
  19. I am sure this forum appreciates lessons on anything, journalism included. Didn't realize you were a journalist.
  20. It's interesting that the only way we know this is through the NY Times. Comey never said anything. Heck, he came before 2 or 3 committees and never said anything. Plus the acting Attorney General, who by the way -- is a Democrat -- has said this never happened. We know the NY Time is part of the "fake news" cabal. It's amazing what some will believe.
  21. Democracy dies with "anonymous sourcing!" [Hidden Content]
  22. Profiles in media hypocrisy! From the article: " But the New York Times, annoyed that the Post scooped them ..." Trying, with fake news, to be the first to take Trump down. [Hidden Content]
  23. [Hidden Content] He doesn't know when to shut it If one doesn't think that the Post and other main stream media is fake news, then we now understand where some are coming from with their statements. The Post ran with an "un-named " source. Then, CNN (I'm sure your go-to for news) made an accusation based on "as reported." So, yes, fake news!
  24. [Hidden Content] He doesn't know when to shut it From the article: "over his reported (read: no one there) disclosure of highly classified information to Russia." This was reported by the Washington ComPost (pretty much a commie fake-news paper). Anyone "in the actual meeting" said President Trump went totally by the book!
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