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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. obama actually did what Trump is accused of doing! [Hidden Content]
  2. We know for a fact that Hillary did. By placing the server in an unsecure location broke the law. Now, tell us for a fact what laws did Trump break?
  3. You do realize Hillary actually broke some laws in the email scandal? Or does this not bother you since she shares your leftest philosophy?
  4. Gowdy to the NY Times: "show me the memo!" [Hidden Content]
  5. What, no info from the Nederland insiders? Any info would be appreciated.
  6. I am sure this forum appreciates lessons on anything, journalism included. Didn't realize you were a journalist.
  7. It's interesting that the only way we know this is through the NY Times. Comey never said anything. Heck, he came before 2 or 3 committees and never said anything. Plus the acting Attorney General, who by the way -- is a Democrat -- has said this never happened. We know the NY Time is part of the "fake news" cabal. It's amazing what some will believe.
  8. Democracy dies with "anonymous sourcing!" [Hidden Content]
  9. Profiles in media hypocrisy! From the article: " But the New York Times, annoyed that the Post scooped them ..." Trying, with fake news, to be the first to take Trump down. [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content] He doesn't know when to shut it If one doesn't think that the Post and other main stream media is fake news, then we now understand where some are coming from with their statements. The Post ran with an "un-named " source. Then, CNN (I'm sure your go-to for news) made an accusation based on "as reported." So, yes, fake news!
  11. [Hidden Content] He doesn't know when to shut it From the article: "over his reported (read: no one there) disclosure of highly classified information to Russia." This was reported by the Washington ComPost (pretty much a commie fake-news paper). Anyone "in the actual meeting" said President Trump went totally by the book!
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. From the article: "Trump's National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said Monday, "At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly." So, again to our liberal friends, who you gonna believe an un-named source or someone who was ACTUALLY there?? [Hidden Content]
  14. The Washington ComPost says they made the report from an "Un-Named" source. Yes, we say McMaster was there and he said there is nothing to the story. So -- who are you gonna believe?
  15. I wonder if every pro-abortion liberal here thanks their mother every day for NOT believing in abortion!!
  16. The head of the NSC and the the next in line was at the meeting and both say this did not happen. The Post says an "un-named" source provided the information.
  17. Why?
  18. Indeed! Good conservative!
  19. Boycott their sponsors!
  20. If he was a good American he would! But, he never has been and never will be!
  21. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, shot out this tweet: Nothing says "I love you, Mom!" like standing up for the right of mothers everywhere to get the care they need. [Hidden Content] — Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) May 14, 2017 So Woods shot back: Hard to say "I love you, Mom" from a medical waste dumpster... #DefundPP [Hidden Content] — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) May 15, 2017
  22. For the Planned Parenthood lovers here on Mother's Day: Nothing says "I love you, Mom!" Like the deafening silence of a dead baby who will never say "I love you, Mom!" Think about it!
  23. Brought to you by Planned Parenthood!
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