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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. James Clapper: NO evidence of collusion! [Hidden Content]
  2. Well -- like this is a surprise!! [Hidden Content]
  3. And this!
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. This could really be a dangerous one. But, if Americans are eventually killed because of this, then it's obama's thought that they deserved it! [Hidden Content]
  7. More on Comey. [Hidden Content]
  8. The racist back then were Democrats. And they still are to this day! Remember -- again -- the KKK was the police arm of the Democratic party!
  9. What Trump did he was Constitutionally allowed to do. This goofy northeastern liberal Senator said what President Trump did, “...is a looming constitutional crisis” that may lead to impeachment..." When one thinks the commie-libs can't go any further insane, they always find a way to dig a deeper hole into insanity! [Hidden Content]
  10. What -- now the women?! SMH! [Hidden Content]
  11. Showing your "middle of the road" philosophy again I see!
  12. Come on, Libs, tell me liberalism is NOT a mental disease! [Hidden Content]
  13. The difference is is what you have stated is going on now! And correct me if I'm wrong, but you appear to always defend these! Or -- at the least never condemn these.
  14. Any true, honest American who wants honest elections should be cheering this! [Hidden Content]
  15. Levin challenges ol' Chucky shumer to prove Trump-Russia link. Ol' Chucky boy can't. The commie-libs can't let this lie go. This is all they have! [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Hypocrisy! [Hidden Content]
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Just in case some our liberal friends missed this. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  20. It's sad when you buy the rope that hangs you or you buy the bullet that kills you! You get what you ALLOW!! [Hidden Content]
  21. True! You need to stop listening to CNN (Commie News Network). They are still trying to push the Trump/Russia angle. The Media/Dimms are so desperate for a cause. They can't even make up one! sad! But I'm loving it watching them go more in sane!
  22. More "What, Not Again!?" [Hidden Content]
  23. The recent elections had Zanobia Bush winning a seat on Beaumont's ISD. Wasn't she on the board when the state got rid of the board for basically doing a terrible job? And the people of Beaumont put her back on the board? Can someone explain this to me?
  24. Comey, Sally Yates and Clapper said there's nothing there concerning the Russians. You need to stop listening to the commie press and commie articles. Remember -- the Democrats wanted Comey fired before he was fired. Again -- more manufactured outrage by the Democrats!
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