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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Maybe Westend can clear this up for you!
  2. I am glad someone brought this subject up. One doesn't always need a Dodge or Duhon to win a State Championship (which, BTW, they did not). More of my opinion on this later. I know ya'll can't wait. : < )
  3. Like I've said before -- mental illness!
  4. An involved and educated electorate can take care of the situation.
  5. Go Beto, Go Beto! Or should it be, "O'Beto?" SMH!! [Hidden Content]
  6. More weirdness. [Hidden Content]
  7. ... a little creepy! [Hidden Content]
  8. They won't. Because he didn't do anything illegal.
  9. Are we reading the post? LOL!
  10. 1st bold: Answer, no proof of any personal bashing. 2nd bold: I know exactly what his roll was. Just curious if you did. PS -- I wish him well. Like I've said before -- I hope he goes 10-0 and wins an out-right District Championship.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. 1st bold: Proof? 2nd bold: Enlighten us.
  14. I saw her admit this last night!
  15. Why didn't obama make his medical and school records available?
  16. This commie obama judge does NOT have the authority to do this. President Trump should ignore it and continue the ban!
  17. I say band Snow! Or, to make the snowflakes happy -- we could pollute more and turn it a different color!
  18. Just heard that President Trump is considering what I've been advocating for years doing: He's talking about eliminating the Departments of Education and Energy. The Dept. of Education was a payoff to the teachers unions for their delegate support when he was running for President. The budget I heard was 50 BILLION dollars. They have around 4,500 employees making around 105,000 dollars each. The Constitution does not allow for this. Each State has an Educational Department. It's supposed to be a State and local situation. The Department of Energy was originally to get us off of foreign oil. That never happened. So, again, not needed. It's grown to an enormous size. No doubt giving good jobs at taxpayer expense, again.
  19. Or is Barrow going to retain the title?
  20. True! I just heard this! Excellent!
  21. Trump WON because your guy was NOT succeeding. Got that?!
  22. Thanks for the info. Has he found an OC yet?
  23. Well, maybe you will! [Hidden Content]
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