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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. Global alarmist would be right but that darn cold weather that keeps ruining their scam! [Hidden Content]
  2. Mack, are they only fair weather killers?
  3. Maybe we'll find the truth now! [Hidden Content]
  4. How would you pick or who would you pick? If I was tasked at doing so, it would have to be a thorough screening process. But, as always, it's a craps shoot. But, I guess, the salient question is -- if hired, how long do you give them? Obviously my standards are a little higher than most.
  5. By the way when you answered my question about Matthews you basically agreed with me. You stated that he probably won't win a State Championship "because the odds are against him". So -- you are saying all these years it's the kids fault? Anyway, I don't even think he's won an out right District Championship. But, on the other hand, if Vidor's citizens are happy with a mediocre coach, than more power to them. As for as the other coaches in the district, Neauman is probably the best. I figured at one time he had the ability to win a State Championship but I doubt now that will ever happen. The jury is still out on PAM's coach. But, after dropping down a notch he should have easily waltzed through the district and should have been a contender for the State Championship. PN-G's coach is decent, but won't get you a State Championship. He doesn't even have an out right District Championship. This district is not as good as you let own. Hence the early exits the past 3-4 years out of the playoffs. PN-G was lucky this year until they met a good team. Actually Barbers Hill was better but the turnovers got them. BTW, didn't Barbers Hill spank Vidor pretty bad this year? And I believe BH was the 3rd place team in that district, if I'm not mistaken. PAM did elevate the district a hair. But losing to Vidor puts questions even on them. IMHO...
  6. Oh, you'll get a great answer. You threw a soft ball. Trying to defend mediocre coaches deserves to wait for an answer.
  7. If you are going to make a statement at least stand by it. You are still hear here! LOL!!
  8. This is why the man-child is a totally failed President. The man-child can't even buy a a clue!! [Hidden Content]
  9. You think Matthews can win Vidor a State Championship?
  10. Another common sense adult added! Great!! Plus -- this ought to make the global alarmist heads explode. LOL!!
  11. Because liberals think what Obama was doing was the norm. When somebody like Trump comes along and does something that America actually stands for, well, the libs go into cardiac arrest! To libs, the Constitution is a stubborn thing!
  12. Great choice! Another ADULT added to the mix!
  13. Reagan


    [Hidden Content]
  14. BTW -- George Wallace WAS a Democrat! What say you, liberals?!
  15. WOW!! Democrats showing their awful racism again! [Hidden Content]
  16. BigGirl, your thoughts on Trump saving the jobs at Carrier when Obama said it couldn't be done?
  17. I would say comparable. You saying all 22 or 11 athletes from Crosby were better than Vidor's?
  18. I'm also sure that there was a perceived notion that PAM might have had better athletes than Vidor. Again, that's debatable. But what happened there?
  19. I still say no different. Vidor could have won that game. There may be other differences.
  20. Don't know if Euless Trinity was a good team or not this year. Apples to apple or apples to oranges? Anyway, I am talking about this district. Unfortunately what we have seen has been happening in recent years. When we get to level of the good teams we usually get shaken out. Heck, one of the "tri-champions" couldn't even make it past the first round. You have to ask yourself, though -- was Crosby's personnel actually any better than Vidor's personnel? Was New Caney's personnel any better than Centrals?
  21. The "Trump Effect" has already started! [Hidden Content]
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