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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. From the article: "Media Hype Can Only Take Commie Kamala so Far, and Now Concerns Over Her Left-Wing Extremism Are Growing! Pollster Frank Luntz on Friday said that voters in the focus groups he conducts are worried about Vice President Kamala Harris being politically radical. Harris supported many left-wing policies during her 2020 presidential campaign and selected a running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, for her 2024 run, who also has a far-left record on immigration and transgender policies. Luntz, on “CNN This Morning,” said the voters in his focus groups are fond of Harris’ “persona,” but they are uncertain and concerned about “her politics." [Hidden Content] @Big girl @HuntersLaptop2028 @CardinalBacker @UT alum Trump 2024 -- Too Big To Rig!!
  2. @Big girl @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood Thoughts?!
  3. This comes just ONE DAY after the WHO decided to declare monkeypox a “global health emergency”! Heard it was also detected in Africa. Amazing! Two months before the election. Who's gonna play their game this time?! Not me!!
  4. From the article: "Coup-Mala Harris’ phenomenal career has been overshadowed for years by gossip she owes her rise to the top to the political powerbroker she dated in the 1990s. RadarOnline.com can now reveal the secrets of the U.S. president wannabe’s romance with “kingmaker” Willie Brown – including how he gifted her a BMW when she was already in a $100,000-a-year job he arranged for her, as well as the Democrat’s use of his massive network of rich and powerful contacts. The pair’s relationship is forensically detailed in investigative journalist Peter Schweizer’s book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite." [Hidden Content]
  5. Time ask Commielina for an interview and she insulted Time Mag and said NO! So, they decided to write a puff piece on her anyway. the person that wrote the puff piece is named Charlotte Alter(?). Who is she? She is the daughter of a commie named Jonathan Alter. He is a far left loon. As O'Reilly said, you would get more honest coverage from Mad magazine than you are getting here. LOL! Also, how can a magazine like Time do a profile with this cover when there is no profile? But, keep the faith. In the end the devil does not win! @Big girl @CardinalBacker @UT alum
  6. Wrong again, my friend!
  7. Luntz is a never Trumper. We could insert your name here and it be the same outcome! LOL!!
  8. All I can say is -- TRUE!! @Big girl @CardinalBacker @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood
  9. Rank and file union members are usually conservative. Plus, the auto workers in Michigan have to realize that they'll lose their jobs if the commies can actually institute electric vehicles which will shut down their factories. But, I do think that they understand what "Drill Baby Drill" means to their jobs!
  10. Since then, not one person has been connected to the internet by any of that money and no projects are underway! @Big girl @CardinalBacker @UT alum What say you?!
  11. Figures Tampon Tim would believe this!
  12. @CardinalBacker Since you don't believe anything is AI, then here's some real stuff for viewing pleasure!
  13. From the article: "The Harris Campaign told Fox News on Tuesday that the Democratic presidential nominee will not push a Medicare-for-all plan despite campaigning on providing universal Medicare just five years ago. A Harris campaign official told Fox News’ Peter Doocy that the vice president, who campaigned on pushing Medicare-for-all in the 2020 Democratic primary, will not make the same promise on this campaign." Flipsy-Flopsy Kamala Chameleon! Her new slogan: Don't remember what I said I believed in the past -- Now, just remember what I lie about! Jeez!! [Hidden Content]
  14. From the article: "The DailyMail poll, conducted among 1,001 likely voters, showed Trump with a lead of two percentage points—43% to Harris’s 41%. While some polls suggest Harris is gaining momentum, the poll indicates a still competitive race. However, the race to the White House could indeed come down to the wire this November." Usually when "likely voters" are polled, Trump is in the lead. Bottom line: All Trump has to do is win Georgia and Pennsylvania and he wins. The honeymoon for Commielina and Tampon Tim is over. They'll get a bounce after the convention. But then tank again! [Hidden Content]
  15. One person's silence is another person's confidence. You notice Commielina keeps flip-flopping in our direction away from her previous commie stances?! Even she realizes we are right! But we also know she's a liar! She cannot present who she is.
  16. LOL! You, and a few here, are the only one's who thinks he's not gonna win, senor!
  17. From the article: "Former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president in 2024, said presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’s ongoing efforts to flip-flop her positions on several major issues, such as energy, immigration, crime, health care, and more via press aides rather than explaining things herself, will not work for her long term. “I don’t think that’s going to fly,” Trump said. “She can’t do a press conference.”" [Hidden Content]
  18. To me, this would more likely be done under a Trump administration. This DOJ and Google are on the same side. [Hidden Content]
  19. Duplicate post. There’s already a post concerning this!
  20. @CardinalBacker @UT alum
  21. Never forget Coup-Mala casts the tie breaking vote to crack down on tips earned by the hospitality industry. @Big girl @CardinalBacker @UT alum @Boyz N Da Hood
  22. Those that have listened to the Trump/Musk broadcast has reached over 1 Billion. A reporter, can't remember if from the Times or the Post, is on video wanting to know if the White House can do something to stop the broadcast. Plus, the EU has threatened Musk if he proceeds with the Trump interview. The bottom line, the legacy media's train has left the station. They are basically no longer relevant. The 1st Amendment REALLY bothers them. It's fun to watch them sink!! @CardinalBacker @Big girl @UT alum
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