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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. This can be said for the other tale of two cities: PNG and Nederland. And the answer is obvious. One coach has been able to develop the talent he has to win and the other doesn’t have the ability to do the same. Remember they have access to the same type kids!
  2. 1. Westbrook vs Gordon 2. Benjamin vs Oglesby 3. Timpson vs Tolar 4. Albany vs Mart 5. Malakoff vs Franklin 6. Gunter vs Tidehaven 7. Anna vs Chapel Hill 8. Gilmer vs Bellville 9. Aledo vs Smithson Valley 10. Port Neches-Groves vs South Oak Cliff 11. North Shore vs. Duncanville TIEBREAKER 12. Summer Creek vs DeSoto .
  3. 90-95% homer highers do not work out. Just look to Nederland as exhibit 1A. Don’t make the same mistake!
  4. Even the commies have a tipping point. Maybe there’s hope for Houston after all. Like I’ve said — the devil wins some battles but goodness wins the wars!!
  5. Apparently. It came from Dave Campbell’s web site! 🤷‍♂️
  6. If I remember right, Texanlive doesn't show these games. If it's like last year, it's Bally's.
  7. Last year, how was the traffic and parking. Good or horrific?
  8. I was at this game. It was one of the better games I’ve seen. I was impressed with Wimberley’s QB. He ran and threw real well! Congrats to Bellville for holding on for the win!
  9. She’s better than JoeBama. But she’s not Trump. If she’s the nominee, then I’ll vote for her.
  10. Well, we should hear outrage from the Colorado governor. Oh, wait — he’s a homosexual/sodomite! So, I’m sure he’s down with the transvestites cause. We’ll see if he takes a stand on this. Sad!
  11. 1. Westlake 2. Duncanville 3. Cibolo Steele 4. Desoto 5. Aledo 6. Smithsonian Valley 7. Port Neches-Groves 8. South Oak Cliff 9. Anna 10. Davenport 11. Glen Rose 12. Bellville 13. Malakoff 14. Franklin 15. Gunter 16. Daingerfield 17. Timpson 18. Stratford 19. Albany 20. Mart
  12. What I would do is after the State Title game I’d call or email the winning and losing coaches of the 3A and 2A title games. I’d ask them to apply for the BC. One never knows what will happen. But, that’s just the start. Think of 5 coaches that you would like to see apply and contact them. You may only get 1 or 2 replies. Remember, those that are responsible wait to receive applications. That’s not my MO. I’m not suggesting something I’ve not done myself! You might be surprised at some of the responses you get! But one thing is for sure — you know what the outcome is if you don’t try! Do nothing — get nothing!
  13. Any Bridge City fan here can call or email this coach and give him the opportunity to accept or decline the offer to apply. Don’t always presume those in charge will be able to make the right decision. Sometimes it’s good to reach out to coaches just to see if they are interested. But, don’t limit it to this coach. Reach out to others they any here can think of. Why not?!
  14. My advice, FWIW, don’t hire home cooking. Might want to follow what PNG did! How about going after that assistant coach at Rusk with the son that’s a good QB? Wouldn’t hurt to ask if he’s interested!
  15. Never before recorded high temperatures: Are you being a little disingenuous about this? Where there higher temps before records were kept? You talk about fires, floods, droughts and record deluges. Every place were you say these took place — you, or anyone else, DO NOT know what was happening in these same areas 5,000 years ago. Could have “actually” been worst. They say global warming causing all these bad hurricanes. NO, no one knows what hurricanes looked like 5,000 years ago!! I heard it said that one erupting volcano is worst than anything man has ever done. How many, do you think, has erupted in the history of the world. But, hey, I understand you are toting the liberal line of man made global warming. Oh, BTW, why did they change the name from global warming? Ha, I know. Why is China and India exempt from global warming treaties? Shouldn’t that raise suspicions?
  16. Reagan


    Why do we give taxpayer money to people crossing our southern border “illegally”?
  17. Gilmer has a good coach, Carthage has an Elite coach. I’ll leave it at that.
  18. Thanks. But more curious about State Titles as a head coach.
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