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Everything posted by Reagan

  1. On the other hand, if PN-G was the really the "good team" then they would have won. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the first playoff game against Barbers Hill they gave up over 500 yards. BH placed 3rd in their district. PN-G did win, but what actually happened against BH should have been a precursor to what was eventually going to happen either the next week or the following. Lately, coming out of this district these results are what's probably going to be the norm for awhile.
  2. The adults are back in control. [Hidden Content]
  3. Didn't you guys complain when Obama contacted Castro? Please read the article again. Big Dog you are being petty. There is nothing you can say that will irritate me. Don't try so hard. lol I'm sure BigGirl was not taught in school that Castro was an evil man. I'm also sure anything concerning Cuba, BigGirl was taught that America was at fault.
  4. And another reason! [Hidden Content]
  5. Another reason to boycott Kelloggs! [Hidden Content]
  6. Another VA travesty! Obama don't care. This is another strike at "the man." Veterans are getting what they deserve! You know, being involved in unjust wars. [Hidden Content]
  7. Listen to Symone Sanders starting at 4:34. This borders, if not crosses over, being delusional. Listen to what she says and tell me if liberalism isn't a mental illness!
  8. I like what WOS has been doing. But -- to say they could beat either Westlake or Katy, well, probably not!
  9. Obama on Carrier, June 1, 2016: "What we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back." The man-child speaks, again, of which he knows nothing about. If he's not causing problems then he's clueless!
  10. He better! Because his voters are being turn into statistics everyday!
  11. BTW, Austin Westlake was without their QB and, I believe, their RB for a good while. They are still playing. Question is: Could coaching be the difference?
  12. And the Mayor is more concerned about protecting illegals! [Hidden Content]
  13. Wait for the analysis. But, the first two, Vidor and Central, were right on. PN-G was lucky the 1st and 2nd round. PAM, well, there was a caveat. But they both basically ended as usual. Again, summery will follow. In other words -- a serious discussion.
  14. True. Even to their detriment. This is a free country. Free to succeed and free to fail.
  15. Let me put it a different way: If all guns were banned and therefore no chance of a concealed weapon, do you think this would decrease or increase the chances that someone would get attacked? Think about it!
  16. It's time to go in and purge these communities! Send them back to were they came from. Why are they here? ARE THEY ASSIMILATING?? It doesn't look like it. [Hidden Content]
  17. I'm going to have to revisit this in a few. Pretty much played out as I suspected. But, further commentary will be forthcoming.
  18. High school coaches get paid by tax dollars. So, YES, they have to listen to it! Or should I say we have the right to say it!
  19. She's presided over the Dems downfall. Now they are going to double down and expect a different result. Oh, that's right, that's the definition of insanity!
  20. The way to solve this is to make sure no funds come the Feds. Funds only come from the local scool districts. Then when they are taxed to hell then we'll see how touchy-felt they are!
  21. Who are some leading candidates for this job? Or, who would you like to see apply for it?
  22. He needs to. But, I would tell these people this Un-Affordable Act is being done away with because America can't afford it. So, you have 6 months, one year (the time is debatable) to either find you a job to get health care or go buy you some. Trump plans on bringing competition back to the health care system which WILL drive cost down. Unlike the present Lier - In - Chief promised!
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